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March 2003

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
April 16, 2003

NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, JJ Avinger-Jacques, Wanda Fullner, Bert Bradley, Ted Pickett and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present:  Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative) and Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College Representative).

Visitors:  Deirdre Grace (Department of Neighborhoods - Neighborhood Development Manager - North/Northwest Sectors), Jean Wirch, and Jan Brucker (Citizens for a Liveable Northgate).

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m., welcoming everyone. We then went around the table, introducing ourselves to Deirdre Grace.

Liz reported receiving a notice from Seattle Councilman Richard Conlin regarding a meeting concerning Northgate.  The meeting will be March 27, 2003 at the Victory Heights Field House, beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Councilman Conlin requested two Board members from Licton Springs attend the meeting.  Liz and Jerry Owens said that they would attend.

We then went around the table and everyone introduced themselves.

Minutes:  Minutes from the March 19, 2003 meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report

TTreasurer Debra Willendorf asked if there were any corrections to the 2003 Approved Budget. There were none. She said that we had had no expenditures since last month, but had received dues and donations. Our available funds equal $2,062.60. Discussion followed. It was agreed that we have our positive balance because of the number of donations we have received. It is a great help when, with JJ's help, we are able to get donation of items needed for the annual picnic and Halloween in the Park. Also, because of stating the need for donations in our Newsletter, members of the community send donations to support our projects. JJ said that anyone could ask for donations, you just have to "call upon your inner nun. No one can refuse a nun!"

Liz stated that she would do an inventory of picnic supplies on hand. Also, anyone knowing of a band which would play for the "exposure" and a lesser fee, should let Liz know. She also said that she would contact the band at NSCC. Perhaps they would play for less than what we have had to pay bands in the past.

Liz said that Edie Whitsett had purchased the materials needed to make the flags approved by the Board earlier and would begin working on the flags in May. Edie has not drawn upon any of the funds approved for the flags.

The Treasurer's Report was approved.


Northgate: Jan Brucker reviewed what had been happening with Northgate. She said that in the original Northgate plan, attention was focused on Wallingford because of the traffic flow through Licton Springs of cars on their way to Northgate. She said that Wallingford was supposed to have gotten boulevard treatment. This has never happened and that this should be addressed.

Jan provided a revised letter to the Seattle City Council regarding concerns about Northgate. She said that the Council members were the ones we should give our input to, not the Mayor. She said that she was concerned because the hearing on Northgate was to be conducted under quasi-judicial rules. This means that constituents are not heard from and public input is not allowed. Jan is going to send a protest to the City Attorney. Jan said that she had learned of earlier correspondence between Simon and the Mayor and she hoped to obtain a copy of it.

Northgate issues and the Mayor's plans for Northgate were discussed. The Northgate GDP is unique and was created with many interested parties making credible compromises to reach the final document. It was questioned why Simon should be released from the requirements of the GDP when Simon could do all the development currently planned under the GDP. It was questioned why Simon should not have to pay mitigation when others are. Wally said that when building took place at NSCC the college was required to use 20 percent of their budget to bring everything up to code. The ramifications of the giveaway of public funding for a private developer were discussed.

The revised Northgate Neighborhood Coalition Response to Mayor Nickel's Northgate Proposal was discussed. It was moved and passed that Liz be authorized to sign the Response on behalf of Licton Springs Community Council.

Pilling's Pond: Wanda Fullner reported on Pilling's Pond. The Buy-Sell Agreement has expired. The Pilling's Pond Preservation Committee could not get the right ownership group in place. The family has concerns because of June's condition. Jim and Yvonne do feel strongly about preservation. The Committee is interested in a conservation easement to protect the flow of water forever. The Committee has a pro bono attorney and also the help of Carol Eychaner.

Jan mentioned that a view easement should be included along with the water easement.

Wanda said that there was a sister to Yvonne/daughter to Jim who wants to live in the home and is interested in learning to breed birds.

Roger Turner had valued the two lots at $175,000.00/each. Ted Pickett thought that was perhaps a low value. It was stressed that we very much want and need to keep Pilling's Pond in the community for the birds and/or as a serenity pocket/open space.

Downstream property owner's rights were discussed. This is a gray area and the rights of those property owners are secondary.

North Seattle Community College: Wally said that it seemed unreasonable to require a three-month process from the Department of Neighborhoods for a one year lease with the School District. He said that since the Community Council has been aware of the college's desire to lease space at the Wilson-Pacific School since last April and are in favor of the transaction, he wished to approach the Department saying that the neighborhood has been informed. In addition to signage around the school, he said that the community could be asked for a letter of support.

May Meeting: Bert said that we would have design review on the agenda for our May meeting. He said that he had recently talked for an hour with Mike Kimelberg, who is staff lead on Neighborhood Plans. Mr. Kimelberg and Vince Lyons will be willing to come and speak to us May 21st beginning at 7:30 p.m. We can get all our questions on design review answered!

A discussion was had regarding common interests with the Haller Lake community. We have not been contacted by them, but perhaps something will get firmed up and we could, if that's the case, hold a joint meeting in June.


Deirdre Grace - Department of Neighborhoods: Deirdre Grace said that she had come to our meeting to introduce herself, saying she regretted not having a great deal of time for our meeting because of needing to be at a Costco meeting in the Haller Lake community. She did want to give us an opportunity to tell her our priorities.

She said that she had joined the Department of Neighborhoods in 1999, the time when the neighborhood plans were going to the Seattle City Council. Before coming to the Department of Neighborhoods, she had worked at the University of Washington as the Communications Director in connection with a grant for a group doing research at Hanford.

Deirdre said that the last year at the City has been tumultuous, with budget challenges and fighting for the implementation of the neighborhood plans. She said that there were now three managers working with 38 neighborhoods. Because of being so severely stretched, the Neighborhood Service Coordinators are carrying a bigger load. Because of that fact, the Neighborhood Service Coordinators are also now getting administrative staff support. (Our Neighborhood Service Coordinator is Beth Pflug.)

Deirdre said her greatest overall responsibility was making sure to minimize missed opportunities and to take guidance from neighborhoods, and help neighborhood leaders make connections within the City government. Funding is now a crucial element. Earlier in the implementation of the neighborhood plans, money was available. Now, the challenge is to find any money for really deserving projects.

Concerns: Liz stated that she had met with Shauna Walgren regarding 100th. There is money for the sidewalk project, but no project manager as yet. Shauna told Liz that the sidewalks would extend from City Light to the east. Liz said she thought it made more sense to use the money to solve problems on 100th beyond the area emphasized by Shauna. Deirdre said that perhaps it was more complicated. It could be that the pot of money could only be used for sidewalks and, thus, that requirement only allowed the project to encompass what Shauna had described.

JJ mentioned the Wilson-Pacific Playfield, saying that better signage needed to be put up regarding why the field was closed. It was also mentioned that the field was not draining well and this was a problem.

JJ also brought up Licton Springs Park. She said that the pond area at the south end was being taken over by canes. If no attention was paid to this area, it would be lost.

Liz mentioned that there was a problem at the Park of toxic runoff. Berms are being put in place to try to keep the runoff from entering the pond. It was discovered that the oil/water separators and cleanout valves had been neglected for some years. They were finally cleaned out last July.

Wally Fosmore mentioned that NSCC was in negotiations with the School District to lease a portion of Wilson-Pacific and have just been informed of additional requirements because of the Department of Neighborhoods School Use Advisory Committee. Deirdre said that she could offer assistance and that there were Department of Neighborhood staff people who could do the work.

Requested Quote for Cynthia Sullivan: Liz said that she had been contacted by Andrew Schmid about giving a statement in support of Cynthia Sullivan. Discussion followed. It was decided that Liz could speak as a community member and say that "We in Licton Springs are appreciative of the support for parks and the newsletter funding we have received from Cynthia Sullivan's office. We also benefit from the work of Earth Corps, a group that Ms. Sullivan established. Ms. Sullivan's actions show that she cares about our community."

Licton Springs Park: Liz said that Pro Parks and the Parks Department want to replace the Iron Springs bridge at the north-end of the pond. Liz recommends requesting that the middle bridge be replaced instead. Discussion followed. A motion supporting Liz's recommendation was made, seconded and passed.

There is no Board meeting in July.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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