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Minutes of Community Meeting, January 20, 2010,
NSCC Conference Room IB2311

Directors Present:
Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Tom Meyer, Kay Mesirow, and Ellen Beck.

Visitors: Bruce Kieser (Facilities and Plant Operations Director for North Seattle Community College), Jean Wirch, and Mike Cuadra.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Liz handed out copies of “North Seattle Community College Request for Use of Facilities” to us to keep on hand. The form confirms our monthly meetings in Conference Room “1B 2311C” for January 20, 2010, February 17, 2010, and March 17, 2010. We will need to show this form, if the conference room has not been opened for us.

Minutes: The November 18, 2009 minutes were presented and after a short discussion, the ending time of the meeting was determined to be 8:45 p.m. The minutes were thereafter unanimously approved.

There was no Treasurer’s Report, but one is expected in February.

Future Meetings. Liz reported that Sherry Carr, our School Board Representative, would like to come and speak to us. Also, Liz said she will be speaking with Kathy Johnson and getting an update on Wilson Pacific School.

Liz spoke about Backyard Wildlife Status. She said she would investigate what is involved. It was agreed that it would be interesting to have someone give a presentation about this for perhaps our March, April, or May meeting.

Tom Meyer suggested that we invite a representative of Mayor Mike McGinn to come to speak with us.

Bruce Kieser suggested that Christian Rusby, the new Sustainability Coordinator for the College, be invited to speak about what is happening at the College (composting, P-Patch possibilities).

Also, Bruce suggested that Jeff Caldwell be invited to a meeting to speak to us about the emergency preparedness of the College.
Ideas for Newsletter Articles. Jerry Owens agreed to write an article about the Blood Bank. Liz said she would write an article about Backyard Wildlife Status and what that is about.

North Seattle Community College. Bruce Kieser reported that NSCC is watching the Legislature session. Everybody knows funding is a key issue. The College believes that they have a strong position, being at 105% enrollment. They currently have two capital projects. The Center for Employment and Education Building is on schedule for occupancy February 1, 2011.

Second, the Allied Health Building will complete the renovation of the south two-thirds of the Technology Building. The focus will be health education, with expanded facilities for nursing and physiology, including the addition of a cadaver laboratory. A second floor will be added to create a student activity center. This renovation will cost $27 million. They hope to begin construction July 1, 2011 and be completed in 16 to 18 months (May 2013). They have $2.7 million in hand for design.

The January 2011 regular Legislative session will make decisions about construction money. The Allied Health Building is ranked as the #1 project of all community college projects.

Bruce said the College is renovating the College with new and upgraded construction. The Allied Health Building will perhaps have a “green” roof.

The presidential search is ongoing with a closing date of February 12, 2010. They hope to announce a new president on July 1, 2010. Alan Ward is the Interim President. He was the Vice President of Administrative Services and it is assumed that he will again take that position when the new president is named.

One initiative the Legislature set in place after the incident at Virginia Tech1 was aimed at raising preparedness of school campuses. They began with elementary schools and are now at the community college level. The College is developing detailed maps and plans for emergency responses. Drills take place every quarter. Most recently, the College’s drill involved “a shooter in a building.” An important part of the drills is checking the lines of communication with the police.

Seattle’s Seawall. Tom Meyer reported on the seawall. He works for Seattle City Light and, because major utility lines are buried under the viaduct, City Light has been involved in planning and implementing relocation of utilities along the corridor. The utility lines must be moved first.

Tom updated us on the seawall, which Mayor Mike McGinn has recently announced needs to be replaced in the near future, not six years from now as in the present plan.

The seawall, which runs from Washington Street in the south to Myrtle Edwards Park in the north, is deteriorating. It could fail in an earthquake. It was constructed with timber and is in poor condition. Marine organisms (L. lignoram, “gribble”) are attacking the timber.

The plan is to replace the seawall with the latest geotech materials, with construction completed in 2015. The new seawall would be built to withstand 1,000 to 2,500-year “return period earthquake ground motions.”

Northwest District Council. Jerry reported the Northwest District Council has hired a consultant to assess how they function/operate. Normally two-thirds of the member councils are present at meetings. If there are financial matters to discuss, 90 percent of the member councils are present.

North Precinct. Ken Thompson reported the guest at the January meeting was a representative from the University of Washington Police Department. They operate strictly on campus, but work closely with the Seattle Police Department.2

Donation for Charitable Work. Kay Mesirow announced that Verizon had donated $750.00 for her charitable work on the E-Currents Newsletter. This money has been received by Pillings Pond. Kay said that Pillings Pond is agreeable to giving the funds to LSCC. Liz told Kay to consider if she wanted a portion of the funds to remain with Pillings Pond.

North Acres Park Renovation. Liz announced the Design Team for the North Acres Park (12718 – 1st Avenue Northeast) Renovation will be holding a meeting on Thursday, February 4, 2010, at the Haller Lake Community Club. The meeting is from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Corporate Matters. We reviewed the Amended Articles of Licton Springs Community Council. Because not everyone had brought a copy of the Amended Articles, Liz read them aloud.

Proposed changes are:

Article VI, Registered Office and Agent

We should change the “initial” address and name of the Registered Agent to the “present” Registered Agent’s address and name.

The Registered Agent is reported to the Secretary of State on the Annual Report filed annually. Liz informed us that Debra sends in the Annual Reports.

Subsection 8.2, Indemnification

We should change “association” to “Corporation” at the beginning of that subsection.

It was decided that after the changes are made, the Amended Articles can be e-mailed around for review and acceptance, and this would serve as a “special meeting.”

After discussion, it was determined that everyone would review the Amended Bylaws so they could be revised at an upcoming meeting.

Community Comments. Mike Cuadra said that he had an outstanding commitment for Wednesday nights (he was off tonight), but when that was completed, he would be coming to our meetings. We all introduced ourselves to Mike. He said that he was the one who suggested in an e-mail to our Hotmail account that we install Pay Pal so that people can pay dues and make donations on line.

Discussion of Pay Pal continued, and it was decided to get more information about it.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, February 17, 2010.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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