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June 2007

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North Precinct Reports



Minutes of Board Meeting
July 18, 2007
NSCC Northstar Dining Room

Directors Present: Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Kay Mesirow, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative).

Visitors: Elizabeth Faulkner and Emily Neff (Washington State Department of Transportation – I-5 Noise Wall Project), Jean Wirch, Kathleen Braden, Gretchen Linggi, Kathleen Albiani, Janice Lichtenwaldt, Kelly Lichtenwaldt, and Ethel Whelan.

Treasurer Debra Willendorf called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Introductions were made around the tables.

Minutes: The June 20, 2007 minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: Debra Willendorf had nothing to report.


Licton Springs P-Patch
Kathleen Albiani gave information about getting a P-Patch started in Licton Springs. She had contacted the P-Patch Program in Seattle for information.

Possibilities for a location were discussed The locations suggested were:

(1) land on the southern part of North Seattle Community College property near the tennis courts and bordering 92nd; (2) land on the southeast corner of Licton Springs Park; or (3) the strip of land at North 95th. Kathleen said that the "abandoned road" portion of North 92nd by Wilson Pacific had also been considered, but the land next-door had recently sold and it was believed that the abandoned road was probably not available.

Discussion followed and it was determined that the best location for the P-Patch would be at the southeast corner of Licton Springs Park. That location is close to the people living in the townhouses on the other side of the Park. They do not have yards large enough to garden and some might be interested in participating in the P-Patch. Also, that location is central in the neighborhood.

Kathleen said P-Patches need to be 2,000 square feet in size, at a minimum. All vegetables and flowers are to be grown organically and can’t be sold, but growers can give them away, or donate them (i.e., to a food bank). The City will set up a shed for storage of tools and supplies.

The application for the P-Patch costs $23.00. Gardeners pay $11.00 for each 100 square feet of gardened land. The fees cover use of the land, rototilling, water, and organic fertilizer. In addition to the annual fee, gardeners must also donate eight hours of time each year to the common areas of the garden, and four of those hours must be at the P-Patch.

Thank you, Kathleen, for taking charge and doing so much to get a P-Patch going in Licton Springs!


Community Garage Sale
The community garage sale was discussed. Because no one had the time to head up this event, it was decided that it would not be held this year.

List Serve
Kathleen Braden reminded everyone that she needs to receive new e-mail addresses for the list serve. She suggested that perhaps we could have information or applications at the HT Market.

Debra said that we need to make full use of having a list serve. She wondered if the meeting agenda couldn’t be sent out by the list serve.

Ellen said that LSCC definitely should have a presence at the Northgate Festival. This is an event that draws in many neighborhood people and there is entertainment and food, as well as booths with information about businesses in the community.

Tom said that he believed that a domain name gave us one or more e-mail accounts. We could perhaps have an e-mail address of If people visiting the website were directed to e-mail to that address to be added to the List Serve, those e-mails could be automatically forwarded to Kathleen.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 18, 2007.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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