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Minutes of Board Meeting
July 16, 2008
NSCC Green Room (College Center Building)

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Tom Meyer, Kay Mesirow, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative), and Kathleen Braden (List Serve).

Visitors: Jean Wirch.

Board Member Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Liz noted that because Debra Willendorf is sick, and Jerry Owens working, they could not attend our meeting.

Because this was our first meeting in the College’s Green Room, a bit of exploration took place. It was discovered that there is a screen installed, so if future guests wanted to do a power point presentation or some other display, this is possible. It was noted that there is a bit of an echo in the room. It is a smaller room than the North Star Dining Room, but for most meetings would provide enough space.

Minutes: The May 21, 2008 and June 18, 2008 minutes were approved as presented.


Currents Newsletter
The Newsletter was discussed. Kay Mesirow does a wonderful job with the E-Currents, but Liz pointed out that we have credits for copies at the UPS store and need to take advantage of those by sending a paper Currents. She suggested sending out a paper Currents in January. We could give meeting dates and topics for the whole year, as well as information about Licton Springs Park, Pillings Pond, and Mineral Springs Park. We could also give information about the E-Currents and give them the instructions for joining the List Serve. We would have to pay for postage to send out the paper Currents, but we do get a discounted rate through the Federation.

Earth Day/Community Paper-Shredding
Kay mentioned receiving a flyer from NSCC about Earth Day. She also questioned everyone’s opinions about a community paper-shredding event that she had e-mailed us about. There was interest. Kay said she would contact the people putting on Earth Day regarding the idea for a community paper-shredding day.

North Seattle Community College News
Liz related that Bruce Kieser had e-mailed her regarding his inability to come to tonight’s meeting because of his upcoming vacation. He did send her comments, which she read to us:

“. . . . [T]he new Integrated Resource Center project is progressing. We will be ready to go out for bid in about April ’09 with construction starting about July or August ’09. The normal Seattle City permitting process, including all design reviews has begun as evidenced by the two 4ft by 8ft signs now posted along College Way North. Of course, actual construction is still contingent on the legislature approving funding for construction during the Jan ’09 regular session.

“The college successfully submitted our next required funding request for the Technology Building Renewal project. Scope is to primarily upgrade and expand our Health Sciences cluster of classes (nursing, pharmacy, technology, anatomy, physiology, EMT) as well as developing an integrated student tudoring center and student life center.

“Also, I have heard that the city Transportation Department is planning to re-stripe College Way north bound to one lane, a dedicated bike lane, and curb parking. I do not know any details about it, but the city is planning a community information meeting on the subject some time soon.”

List Serve
Kathleen Braden asked about sending out neighborhood alerts to the people on the List Serve. The alerts would be about things such as the arson fires recently in the Northgate area. Discussion followed. It was decided that this was a good idea and that Kathleen could use her discretion in sending the alerts out.

Halloween in the Park 2008
Liz said that it was already time to be thinking about Halloween in the Park. Flyers will be made up and the Halloween request letters need to be sent. Liz said she had not been able to talk to Betsy Weill before she and her family headed up to Lopez Island, but she would call her now. Ellen said she would get the letters out.


Aurora Avenue Task Force and North Aurora Revitalization Project. Liz reported that Debra has a report and will fill us in at our next meeting.

Technology Grant
There was discussion about the technology grant applied for earlier. It has been decided to reapply for a grant, and take advantage of the pre-application process to get feedback before submitting the application in final. Kathleen Braden volunteered to check with Debra Willendorf and get the status of the new application.

It was noted that the website needs updating to reflect the new meeting room, etc. Liz said that anyone with time could make notes on what needs to be updated/changed on the website and e-mail to the rest of us.

New Jail Siting
Kay reported on the meeting held at the College on July 12, 2008 regarding the proposed locations for the new jail, specifically the site at 11762 Aurora Avenue North (site of Puetz Golf) in North Seattle. Kay said people from all the surrounding neighborhoods attended the meeting. There were displays of the jail sites and brochures and materials available. Senator Ken Jacobsen was there.

Kay reported that people sat at tables and discussed how the jail would affect our community and what could the City do to remediate our concerns. All responses were written on flip charts and then each table of neighbors presented their opinions which were recorded for presentation on the Seattle Channel website. The primary reasons provided against the 11762 Aurora Avenue North site were (i) the proximity to seven schools (the most of any of the sites); (ii) the environmental impacts (site is very wet); and (iii) the fact that it is farthest away from the Courthouse. Here is the web link to the June 12th meeting. Also has the link to the Seattle Channel: Forum.htm.

Kay said that Puetz Golf, a family-owned business operated for many years at the site, does not want to sell. The City would have to claim their property by eminent domain, and Puetz Golf would fight this action all the way to the Supreme Court.

Seattle Neighborhood Coalition
Ellen reported that she had not attended the jail meeting because of attending the monthly Seattle Neighborhood Coalition breakfast meeting. The guest speaker was Frank Chopp, Speaker of the State House of Representatives, and the main topic was transportation. It was a very interesting and well-attended meeting. There was discussion about the viaduct and it was stressed that the commercial traffic was being ignored in the discussions about what should happen to the viaduct. It’s not just private people in their cars using that highway, it is also business/commercial vehicles of all kinds. Speaker Chopp seemed to understand that commuters use the viaduct during peak hours, and commercial traffic during off peak hours. That commercial traffic is necessary for the City’s economic wellbeing.

Ellen urged everyone to read the “Summary Seattle Neighborhood Coalition meeting with Frank Chopp” e-mail that she recently forwarded to everyone.

Land Use
Tom Meyer gave a report on land use. He said that there is a constant flow of requests for permits. He said that he still continues to see permitting relating to the buildings near Wilson-Pacific (that he reported on previously), even though the buildings have been complete for some time. Discussion followed about the construction.

Tom also commented about the notice received regarding the DNS being rescinded on Aurora Avenue North. He said he would obtain more information on this.

He also reported that NSCC had filed to receive the permit for the Technology Building. He questioned why this was applied for now, so many years in advance. Discussion followed. It was agreed that Bruce Kieser could answer this question for us.

Tom also questioned whether the College has done a fact sheet for public consumption. If so, this could be put in our Newsletters.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, September 17, 2008. Bob Ferguson has been invited to this meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kay Mesirow for

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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