Minutes of Community Meeting, June 18, 2014

NSCC Campus OCE&E Building, Room 220B

Directors Present: Kay Mesirow, Melanie Davies, and Ellen Beck.

Visitor: Maggi Tobi (Seattle City Light).

Treasurer’s Report. The May 31, 2014 bank balance was $5,328.91.

Minutes. The April 16, 2014 and May 21, 2014 minutes were approved as presented.

We started the June meeting at 7:05 p.m. and allowed our guest, Maggi Tobi,(Seattle City Light, to make her presentation first.


City Light. Tobi Maggi came to update the community about the North Service Center project for which she is Project Manager. The concrete structure, having the same architect as the Kingdome, is being remodeled. The smaller building is being replaced, “creating office space for the auto meter reading folks.” The contractor, McKinstry, is now coming to the site. They have had a two month delay, which is detrimental to them, but they hope the project can be expedited to make up for the delay. There will be nine months of construction.

P-Patch Summer Smash. Melanie Davies reported on the July 12th event, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at the Licton Springs P-Patch. We have received a Small Sparks Grant through the Department of Neighborhoods for $1,000.00. There will be food, music, The Bubbleman, a button-making machine, and games for kids.

There will be a flyer to advertize the event and we plan that 100 people will attend the event. Melanie had a control document for all aspects of the event. She will do the flyer. Kay Mesirow volunteered to pick up all the paper products. Ellen Beck volunteered to help Jan Brucker with the book exchange.

The P-Patch will have to get insurance through Grow or the P-Patch Trust. Melanie will coordinate.

Safe Routes to Schools/Greenways. Len Bruch would like Licton Springs and Haller Lake to each have Greenway representatives at a workshop in September to plan north end routes.

Halloween at the Park. Melanie will go online to get donations for Halloween. She will contact Ellen if she is required to attach a letter or anything.

Friends of the Forest will be solicited closer to the event.


North Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator. Kay said she had learned from Lee Buch on Next Door that the new liaison at the North Precinct is Elizabeth Scott. Her phone number is 206.684.7711 and e-mail is

Robert Eaglestaff Documentary. Ellen saw the Robert Eaglestaff documentary on Monday, June 16, 2014, at Wilson Pacific School. It was a very powerful documentary and showed how Robert Eaglestaff transformed the Indian Heritage Program and the students who attended that school. He challenged them to a strong academic program and they all stepped up and discovered they could be good students and apply themselves. They graduated and went on to attend college (when the Seattle School District had given up on them, or had no expectations for them). He was an amazing man and educator.

Landmark Status for Wilson Pacific School. There will a “designation” hearing for Wilson Pacific on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, at 2:30 p.m. at the Municipal Tower in downtown Seattle. Chris Jackins, Coordinator, Seattle Committee to Save Schools (telephone: 206.521.3288) states that supporters of Wilson Pacific being a landmark are not required to be registered voters, residents of Seattle, or 18 years of age.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 16, 2014.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary
