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February 2003

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
March 19, 2003

NSCC Student Club Room

Directors Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, JJ Avinger-Jacques, Wanda Fullner, Bert Bradley, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present:  Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative) and Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College Representative).

Visitors:  Jean Wirch and Ted Pickett.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., welcoming everyone.

Liz reported receiving a notice from Seattle Councilman Richard Conlin regarding a meeting concerning Northgate.  The meeting will be March 27, 2003 at the Victory Heights Field House, beginning at 7:00 p.m.  Councilman Conlin requested two Board members from Licton Springs attend the meeting.  Liz and Jerry Owens said that they would attend.

We then went around the table and everyone introduced themselves.

Minutes:  Minutes from the February 19, 2003 meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Debra Willendorf reported that Licton Spring’s domain name has been paid for the next five years.  We also have 12,000 prepaid copies at the UPS Store.  The total available funds in checking is $1,896.96.

Liz said that she would contact Edie Whitsett about the $2,300.00 in EIF funds for the tree study at Mineral Springs Park that have not been spent.


Budget.  We next turned to a discussion of the 2003 budget.  Debra used the greenboard in the Club Room to put up the 2002 budget and the 2002 actual expenditures.  She made a column for 2003 budget and we went through the budget item by item to determine the 2003 budget.  It was moved and seconded and we approved a 2003 budget totaling $1,455.03.  Debra said she would e-mail the finalized budget to the group.

Newsletter.  We had a discussion concerning the Newsletter.  Liz had pointed out during the budget discussion that she felt we could plan on three Newsletters this year and three Newsletters next year with funds available at this time.

Wanda agreed to edit/proofread the Newsletter.  JJ said that she had noticed a lot of errors in the recent Newsletters and this was not good.  Debra said that she felt we should be willing to pay to have the headings scanned.  JJ said that she had given all the graphics to Julia on a floppy.  Bert said that he could scan the headings.  Debra said that she would like to see the Newsletter in a format that is not Mac.  Even though Mac is every good, most people do not have a Mac and it makes it difficult for us to find people to volunteer to work on the Newsletter.  Liz said that she would talk to John at the UPS Store and also to her neighbor, Lisa Henry, who is a computer systems person and we might be able to get some assistance from her.  Liz also said that she would speak with Julia.

Mailing the Newsletter was discussed.  We mail standard bulk.  Ted Pickett suggested that using some advertising could help us with the cost of the Newsletter.  It was pointed out that we had investigated previously and found that we could not advertise and still mail at our lower rate.  Bert volunteered to investigate if regulations had changed and if, perhaps, we could now use some advertising.

BOARD ELECTIONS.  Liz stated that the following directors had terms now expiring:  Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Yvonne Pilling Zoretic, and JJ Avinger-Jacques.  She asked each one present if they were willing to serve another two-year term.  They were.  Liz said that she had spoken with Yvonne and Yvonne was willing to also.  Liz said that Yvonne had thought that by next month she would return to meetings.  We said that Yvonne could bring little Katharine Danielle (born 3/4/03, 7 lb. 15 oz., 19 inches long) to our meetings!

Liz pointed out that we do have an opening on the Board and asked Ted Pickett if he would be interested and he said he would.  Liz reviewed the projects of the Board and discussed upcoming meetings.  Ted Pickett was nominated and elected to the Board.

PILLING’S POND.  Wanda Fullner reported on Pilling’s Pond.  A deadline was approaching on March 31st.  The Buy-Sell expires at that time and Wanda said that a buyer was not in place.  She said that it could not be the College for a variety of reasons, but that the College would remain involved and supportive.  Wanda said that the committee planned to meet with the family and talk.  The family needs to let the committee know what the family’s thoughts are on preservation.  At this time there is no hurry, and it was important to find out the family’s wishes.  Wanda said that we need to let them know that the community cares and wants to see the Pond preserved.  The Pilling Pond Preservation Society been formed, but they don’t want the family to feel threatened.

NORTH SEATTLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE.  Wally Fosmore said that the College is still in negotiations with the Seattle School District to lease space at Wilson-Pacific.  He said that they were making provisions so that the move there would not be until the fall.  He reported the College is going ahead with changes to the Child Care Building. 


Northgate Meeting.  Bert Bradley reported on the Northgate “Open House” meeting at Nathan Hale High School, which he had just come from.  Bert had multiple handouts from the Open House and related conversations he had had there.  A spirited discussion followed.  Board members wanted to know where Jerry and Liz stood on Northgate, if they were going to go to the Richard Conlin meeting and give input on behalf of Licton Springs.

Liz reported on conversations she has had with Barbara Maxwell of the Northgate community.  Liz said that Barbara had requested to come to one of our meetings to give us their background and views on Northgate, and the history of their dealings with the City and with Simon Properties.

Bert said that he had talked with Richard Conlin at the Open House.  Bert said that he was asked to encourage the Licton Springs Board members to attend the meeting.  Many said they could make the meeting and Liz said that she would e-mail to us the directions for getting to the Victory Heights Field House.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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