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Minutes of Board Meeting
March 21, 2007
NSCC President’s Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Debra Willendorf, Kay Mesirow, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative).

Visitors: Jean Wirch, Kathleen Braden, Julie Taylor (Community Court Program), Stephanie Tschida (Community Court Program), Melissa Coiley, Tom Meyer, Emma Medicine White Crow, and Amy Markishtum (maintains the Licton Springs webpage).

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and we made introductions around the table.

Minutes: The February 21, 2007 minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report: There was no Treasurer’s Report, but Debra Willendorf reported that every Newsletter that number of memberships and membership renewals has been dropping. For example, Debra pointed out that where in the past 20 people sent membership dues after receiving a Newsletter, she now receives only six.

Discussion followed We must find methods to encourage members of the community to participate in the Community Council meetings and to support community projects.


Community Court Program Stephanie Tschida, of the Community Court Program, explained what the program does. She explained that she was with the City Attorney’s Office and now works with the Community Court Program. This program screens people guilty of misdemeanors and small crimes (i.e., sleeping in a park, prostitution, theft – survival crimes) and offers those who qualify the opportunity to go to Community Court and be sentenced to community service, hopefully in the same communities where their violations occurred. The program began has a test program and now is being put into effect citywide. Diversion offenders are individuals who function at a high level. The number of hours of community service that offenders are sentenced is based on recommended sentencing. A 10-day sentence would equal 32 hours; first-timers are sentenced to eight hours.

The Community Court Program seeks to create relationships with communities and Stephanie and Julie Taylor asked whether we would/could participate. Liz mentioned and spoke about GAIN (Greenwood-Aurora Involved Neighbors) as another possible group for the Community Court Program to partner with. In our community, help is always welcome at the monthly work parties at Licton Springs Park.

Other areas where help could be used are: mowing the shoulder/parking strip along both sides of 85th from the freeway onramp/exit ramp down the hill to Wallingford; the planting strip in front of North Seattle Community College; and along the sidewalk on the west side of Wallingford Avenue North between 92nd Avenue North and 90th Avenue North (alongside the playing field).

The Community Court Program seeks to be a holistic and comprehensive treatment program for first-time or qualified offenders that allows them to give back to the communities they harmed.

Wilson-Pacific Update Liz gave an update on Wilson-Pacific School, which the Council has always wanted it to be a middle school. The Indian Heritage School is still at Wilson and has 65 students. Home School Resources office is also there. The School District parks vehicles and landscaping materials there, as well. With Amy Markishtum present she was able to give additional information since she works for the School District. The new School District facility does not have room for all District departments and personnel.

Director of Wilson-Pacific Facilities, Courtney Jones, has told Liz that there are no plans to alter the use of Wilson-Pacific. Liz pointed out that an article in today’s paper listed potential schools for closure, but did not mention Wilson-Pacific.

Liz reported that she had been contacted by a group of concerned citizens in the Viewlands Elementary neighborhood. That group has inquired whether a Licton Springs Wilson-Pacific group would like to join their task force and combine efforts for both schools. Discussion followed.

Liz said that if anyone was interested in contacting the Viewlands task force, they should do so.

Board Elections Jerry Owens, Kay Mesirow, and Debra Willendorf’s terms are completed this year. Liz said she had asked Jerry if he was willing to serve another term and he had said he was happy to proceed. She asked Kay and Debra if they were willing to serve another term and they both said yes. Thank you to all of you!

A discussion followed about serving as a director. Tom Meyer agreed to serve! Thank you and WELCOME, Tom.

Future Meetings Kay suggested that the Council should have "crime in the neighborhood" meetings twice a year with cooperation from the North Precinct.

Debra said that we needed to discuss having an on-line Newsletter in addition to our paper Newsletter.

Kathleen Braden asked about adding directions and/or a map to the List Serve to help new attendees find the President’s Board Room. It was agreed that was a great idea.

Crime Stats Ken Thompson said that crime statistics were available at the North Precinct Advisory Council meetings, which are held the first Wednesday of the month.

Bob Ferguson Meeting. It was announced that Bob Ferguson is going to host a community meeting on Wednesday, March 28, 2007.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 18, 2007.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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