

Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Randy Elder, Bob Messina, John Meerscheidt, Wanda Fullner, Debra Willendorf, Jan Brucker, Jan Avinger-Jacques, Pam Larsen (Seattle City Light), Sandy Bell (Seattle Parks Department), Wally Fosmore (NSCC), Phil Fujii (Department of Neighborhoods).

Absent:  Ellen Beck, Edie Whitsett, Sheryl Stich, and Bethany Ryals.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Liz Kearns.  Introductions were held.  The meeting minutes from April 19, 2000 were approved as presented.

TREASURERS REPORT:  Jerry Owens, acting treasurer, gave a verbal report that two (2) checks have been written this month one for $76.63, postage for the May newsletter and one for $102.75 to Mail Boxes Etc. for printing and postage of the April postcard concerning Library siting issues.  There are a few checks for deposit, which will be reported next month when we have a permanent treasurer.

The meeting was then turned over to Wanda Fullner, who introduced Sandy Bell, Seattle Parks Department.

LICTON SPRINGS PARK:  Sandy Bell said the Licton Springs Park comfort station is scheduled to be replaced.  It is the Parks Department’s #1 priority in the North End and at top of the CAP Improvements Projects Budget.  The budget must be approved by the Seattle City Council.  The open design process should begin in 2001, with building in 2002.  Comments were made about the improved traffic since the sanican was installed.  Randy is keeping the Seattle Police Department North Division informed of our problem.  There was discussion of self-cleaning bathrooms.  SPU (Seattle Public Utilities) has funds for six, with five downtown, and one possibly located in Ballard.  Bob asked about the possibility of locating a wall Kiosk on the new comfort station.  Sandy said that there are Park Department standards for Kiosks.  She said the interior grass at Licton Springs Park is not being cut because SPU has asked the Parks Department not to cut that grass during the Densmore Drainage Basin Study.

VOTING:  The motion made at our last meeting was voted down unanimously.  A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the LSCC Board positions as follows:

President                        Liz Kearns
Vice President                 Jerry Owens
Secretary                       Ellen Beck
Treasurer                       Randy Elder

EIF:  Bob Messina made a motion to dissolve the current EIF Stewardship Committee of Jan Brucker, Jerry Owens and Sheryl Stich with many thanks for their good work, with the LSCC Board taking full responsibility for this stewardship.  John seconded the motion.  During discussion, it was decided we would wait to vote until our June meeting.

BUDGET:  Wanda presented a proposed budget for 2000/2001.  Some corrections were made.  The Board accepted the new amended budget.  Copies will be available at our June meeting.

MICROSOFT STOCK:  A motion was made, seconded and passed to use the Microsoft funds to pay for the Licton Springs Park sanican.  A letter was presented from Christopher Williams (Seattle Parks Department NW Manager) stating the cost of $70.00 per month for the sanican.

RPZ:  Signs are up.  Zone folks should send for their stickers now.  Debra said the signs do not mention holidays but she was told holidays are excluded by default and that patrols will be regular soon.

POLICE:  Randy has asked the NSP if Licton Springs neighbors can collect license plate numbers and/or flyer illegally parked cars; the official opinion is coming.  Car crime is up in Licton Springs.  Randy and Phil Fujii suggested we invite Judy Nicastro (Seattle City Council Member) to a Licton Springs walking tour soon.

HISTORICAL PROJECT:  Phil had information concerning non-profits and suggested a history committee.  He will provide a list of people who could help us.  Jan said she would accept historical papers from neighbors.  She would like to interview Brewster Denny.  Lakeside School is doing a history of this area.  The Broadview Community has done a history book, which includes part of Licton Springs.

KIOSK:  Bob presented information on an outdoor, cabinet style, wall mounted, metal with acrylic window and lock Kiosk.  A 3'X3' Kiosk costs $465.00 plus tax and installation.  The acrylic is replaceable and Bob will find out how much that would cost.  Much discussion followed about size and placement.  We will continue to discuss this by e-mail and at our next meeting.

Minutes submitted by Liz Kearns