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November 2002

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
November 20, 2002

NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present:  Liz Kearns, Debra Willendorf, Bert Bradley, Wanda Fullner, Jerry Owens, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present:  Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative), Edie Whitsett (Mineral Springs Park, Arts Council), and Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College Representative).

Visitors:  Colleen Browne (Project Manager for the Licton Springs Park Comfort Station, Seattle Parks and Recreation), Jean Wirch, and Don Svetich.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m., welcoming everyone.  We then went around the table and everyone introduced themselves.

Minutes:  Minutes from the October 16, 2002 meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s ReportTreasurer Debra Willendorf presented her Report.  There is a bank balance of $3,615.89, but an available balance of $1,315.89.

Debra reported that mural funding had been received and disbursed, and a $10.00 donation for the mural had been given to JJ to reimburse her for expenses.

Halloween in the Park entertainment had cost $35.00.  Donations were received that Betsy Weill reported would cover most of next year’s expenses.

Debra noted that there is money available for flags costing $123.00.

Debra was asked if  we had received the expected donation from Cynthia Sullivan’s office to support our Newsletter.  Debra said that the $700.00 had not yet been received, but she was confident it would be forthcoming.

The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Pilling’s Pond Committee Update.  Wanda Fullner told us the bad news concerning the project.  Because of the City’s current budget deficit, funding for the Department of Neighborhoods has been gutted.  This means we will be getting no City funds for acquisition monies.  Wanda announced a December 2 community meeting and urged us to attend.  Professional fundraisers have told Wanda that our project is a long shot, that is, raising the necessary funds in our time frame.  Wanda said that if a decision was reached to not go forward in the current economic downturn, all the ground work has been done and we would be prepared to pick up again if the property was available and the economic climate sufficiently improved.

Wanda said that she would be making a lot of phone calls in connection with the December 2nd meeting.


Arts Organization.  Edie Whitsett reported that she has called Jan Brucker, but that they have not gotten together as yet to discuss the Arts Council.

Licton Springs Park- Amphibian Ponds.  Liz gave all directors copies of the grant application to King County Department of Natural Resources for $26,000.00 to construct two small habitat ponds at the north end of Licton Springs Park.  The grant has been approved.  We have partnered with Seattle Community Council Federation and Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.

Clean-Out Vaults.  Wally Fosmore told us that the work to install two additional clean-out vaults near the Meridian roadbed (on College property) had been postponed again, probably until spring 2003.  SPU is going to hold off on the work because of weather.

Wilson-Pacific School.  Wally reported that conversations were continuing with the School District over the use of space at Wilson-Pacific.  He said that the Art faculty was especially enthused about using space there.


Licton Springs Park Comfort Station.  Colleen Browne reported to us on the Park Comfort Station.  She said that they were presently in the preliminary design phase, and will focus on the back of the building.  She said the station needs to be updated, including the fixtures, making the station ADA, and improving safety features (including access).  Colleen asked if we had issues.

Liz said that, because of work parties at the Park, it would be great to have a place to store tools and rain gear that we hope to obtain.  Not all volunteers have the proper equipment or clothes to protect them from the elements, although they are certainly enthusiastic and hardworking.

Wanda said that there has been interest in having a volleyball set for events at the Park, but there has been no place to store one.  If we gained storage space, that would be great.

Colleen questioned the degree of outreach that was necessary.  She said it would be great if a meeting could take place at a time other than evening.  She also wondered what languages were needed for use in informational materials.

Debra asked if it was possible to gather feedback by mail.  Colleen said that that could possibly be done on line.

Liz asked if there would be any money available for artwork?  Is so, that would be great!  She wondered if the sample artwork that Dan Cautrell did to show us his style couldn’t be obtained.

Bert Bradley said that he could send our mailing list data.  He said that when it was used to announce the meeting held by Eleanor Mason regarding the bridges in the Park, about 20 people had participated.

Liz suggested that a postcard mailing could be used to announce a Saturday morning meeting.

Colleen was asked about the time line for the project.  She said that she hoped an agreement on how to proceed could be reached by January 2003 and that the project could be completed by the end of 2003.  There will be a sink, electricity, a preparation area, and storage area, or combination of same.  Thomas Roth is the architect for the project, hired by the previous project manager.  A meeting will be announced for early January.

Licton Springs Flags.  Edie said that she recommended doing the flags herself, unless we decided to decorate them.  She said that there really isn’t enough for volunteers to have much to do.  She said that she will try to obtain donations for the flags, and if she obtains more funding, she will make more flags.

A discussion of colors for the flags ensued.  It was decided that the colors for the flags would be left up to Edie’s best judgment.

It was moved, seconded, and approved to spend $125.00 for new flags.  Thanks, Edie!

Don Svetich – 103rd Zoning Change.  Don Svetich gave a presentation on his property and the zoning change he would like to obtain.  He gave a time line of what he has already done in this regard, and hoped to obtain our support.  He gave a lot of information and answered questions posed to him.

The Board was unwilling to amend the Aurora-Licton Neighborhood Plan at this time for a zoning change that would affect only one person’s property.  It was suggested that Don revisit his request because of the change in circumstances, i.e., comprehensive planning, that had not been the case when he first began his rezoning appeal.  Our community has been required to absorb growth.  Since his property is surrounded by L3 zoning, perhaps the answer would be different at this time.  It would also help him to have support of his neighbors so that the requested rezone area would be larger.

Million Dollar Compost.  Since JJ Avinger-Jacques was unable to be at the meeting, Liz gave all of us, from JJ, a packet of compost made from the flowers that were left at the International Fountain at the Seattle Center on September 11, 2001.  Thank you, JJ!

CNC.  Jerry Owens and Wanda Fullner gave a report on the Community Neighborhood Council.  Jerry said that the previous six sector managers in the North End have now been reduced to three managers.  The staffing cuts in the Department of Neighborhoods have been from 30% to 50%.  The CNC has been formed to help the DON.  There will be no money for property acquisition for the next couple of years.  Small and Simple grants are still available, but $100,000.00 is the maximum dollar amount available.  Wanda said that the co-chairs (whose names she can’t recall) are very knowledgeable and know the City.  Representatives to the CNC come from all over the City.  Jerry and Wanda volunteered to represent us on the Council.  Thank you so much, Jerry and Wanda!

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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