Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Bert Bradley, Wanda Fullner, Ted Pickett, and Ellen Beck. Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative). Visitors: Beth Pflug (Department of Neighborhoods) and Jean Wirch. President
Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., welcoming everyone.
She explained the personal family circumstances requiring Yvonne Zoretic
to be absent. All agreed that Yvonne’s absences would be excused. Minutes: Minutes from the June 18, 2003 and August 20, 2003 meetings were approved as presented. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer
Debra Willendorf provided a Treasurer’s Report through September 15,
2003. Our available bank balance is $1,517.47 and the prepaid copies
total is estimated at 8,800. NEW BUSINESS: Department of Neighborhoods: Beth told us that we would be receiving a report on what has been done in connection with carrying out our neighborhood plan this fall. We will be asked to prioritize for the next couple of years what we would next like to see happen. Beth discussed changes at the Department of Neighborhoods and answered questions from those present. She said that she was very happy to help us and that we should not hesitate to contact her (206-684-4096; beth.pflug@seattle.gov). Beth is one of the three Neighborhood Service Coordinators. She reminded us that there is a 20 year time line to complete the tasks in the neighborhood plans. Northwest Hospital Advisory Committee: Liz announced that Jan Brucker had volunteered to serve on the Northwest Hospital Advisory Committee, which will oversee future development as approved by Northwest Hospital’s Master Plan. The Hospital is beginning to build a garage, and once that is completed, will begin other development projects. The role of the committee is to oversee and monitor development. Thank you for volunteering, Jan! Volunteer Appreciation Event: Liz announced that Seattle Public Utilities is putting on a Volunteer Appreciation Event at the Seattle Aquarium on Sunday, September 28th, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. We are all welcomed to attend and Liz said that it was sure to be a fun event. Design Review Volunteer: Bert reported that Jeanine Ferguson had volunteered to be involved with design review. She called Bert after reading the article, “Real Estate Development Hawk Needed,” in the Newsletter. Jeanine will be invited to our October meeting. Natural Areas Crew (Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation) Special Thank You: Liz informed the Board that she wanted to acknowledge one of the people who has been working at Licton Springs Park and done an exceptional job. Roger Turner Advertising: It was noted that Roger Turner had included a large advertisement for the picnic in his real estate flyer. It was agreed that a thank you card would be sent to Mr. Turner. Ted announced that the picnic had also been advertised by him in an area of the neighborhood. Thank you, Ted! Day of Caring: Volunteers will be working at North Seattle Community College on Friday, September 26, 2003. Liz asked members of the community, if they helped out, to be sure to identify themselves as community members. Seattle Marathon: Liz said that the Board had gotten a letter and information packet from the Seattle Marathon. The letter welcomed us to participate in the Seattle Marathon. Northgate Urban Center and Overlay District Design Guidelines: Bert showed the Northgate guidelines that he had printed out. He said that he would contact Jan Brucker about the guidelines. New Time for Candidate Forum: The Greenwood candidate forum will be held October 14th. The place for the forum is yet to be announced. SR 99: Northing is happening at the present due to lack of funding, but long-term goals are in place. North Precinct Report: Ken Thompson was thanked for his very informative North Precinct Reports. Discussion followed. OLD BUSINESS: Halloween in the Park: Liz reported that Betsy Weill will once again coordinate this event. Betsy will use the donation pot to raise money to pay the musicians playing for the event. She has some cash remaining from last year. Debra said that LSCC had received a $25.00 donation for Halloween in the Park and that Betsy would receive that money. We will do a flyer for Halloween and hope that lots of children come to the event. Picnic: A discussion was had regarding this year’s picnic. Liz said that the musicians, although good, were not cooperative about playing music to equal one hour. They set the time they would play and if the music was interrupted, they did not give us back that time in music. It was decided to investigate other music possibilities for next year. Last year a couple of madrigals walked around and sang at the Halloween event. Perhaps that type of entertainment might work for the picnic. We also can contact Julie Howe Gwinn, who manages Sandel Park about the groups that had performed there this summer. It was noted that Sandel Park has concerts and we want concert/background music, so not every group would be appropriate for us. It was also suggested that Betsy Weill might have some information on groups we could contact. It was suggested that next year we should consider having a balloon man, instead of the Bubbleman. There was agreement on this. Liz reported that we had napkins and forks left over for use next year. Liz had been told that Beth Snow, the manager of Oak Tree, had asked Starbucks, Larry’s, and the UPS Store how she could help the community. Liz said that she would contact Ms. Snow regarding what she was most interested in and what type of support she was thinking of offering. Pilling’s Pond: Wanda Fullner reported that the committee is now working on a fence easement, a new method of preserving the pond and view. The public or a nonprofit would have rights over the fence, and the pond and view would be preserved. The goal is to structure the arrangement in a way to get additional funding for educational and historical aspects of the pond. An appraisal is needed to show how much value is lost to the property because of the fence. Then, that money would be paid to the Pilling family. A consultant will develop the educational programming. The committee has been told that they have a $20,000.00 grant (King County funds) to pay for the easement, but Wanda says that she will not be assured that those funds will be received until they, in fact, are received. The committee is very excited at perhaps being on the verge of preservation of the pond. Also, Wanda told us that Yvonne’s sister and her sister’s husband have moved into the Pilling’s house by the pond. A lot of work has been done on the house and the sister is very enthusiastic about preserving the pond. City Neighborhood Council: A discussion was had concerning the City Neighborhood District, which is a coming together of representatives from the 13 districts that make up the City. Seattle Community Council Federation: The Federation has a long history of activism and they focus on issues at their meetings. They meet at NOAA. The Federation predates the Department of Neighborhoods and is not sanctioned by the City. Licton Springs Community Council is a member of the Federation and it is through our membership that we have access to 501(c) status. Northwest District Council: Ted Pickett volunteered to attend the Northwest District Council meeting next Wednesday. He will report on our neighborhood and bring back news of the other neighborhoods. History House: Wanda volunteered to get together an exhibit from our community to be displayed at History House in November and December. Thank you, Wanda! Beth Pflug told us that History House is a nonprofit group that promotes neighborhood councils. This fall History House will be featuring the northern neighborhoods and want to have displays about their history. Discussion followed. Wanda said that the Pilling’s Pond video would be displayed (using constant replay), as well as photographs, including a photograph of the mural of Chief Seattle. The display that is created must be at History House by October 15th, and will be returned to the community in January. We can then make use of it as part of our permanent collection for other community purposes. News Group: Bert Bradley informed us that he has not done more work on the News Group, but plans to do so in the future.
Respectfully submitted,