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July 2005

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North Precinct Reports


Minutes of Board Meeting September 21, 2005, NSCC President’s Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative).

Visitors: Beth Pflug (Neighborhood District Coordinator, City of Seattle, Department of Neighborhoods).

Minutes: The July 20, 2005 minutes were approved.

Treasurer's Report: Debra Willendorf said there was no Treasurer’s Report.  But, Debra needed information on our Seattle Community Council Federation dues.


Board Members: Liz reported that Shannon Snider has moved to Greenwood.  Shannon had said he would continue to maintain the List Serve, but the agenda for this meeting was not sent out.  Shannon and his wife certainly have their hands full with moving to a new home and with their young son.  We will probably have to make other arrangements for maintaining the List Serve.

Liz reported that Staci Baldwin has purchased a townhouse near Magnuson Park.  Before learning this news, we had hoped that Staci might join the Board.

Debra pointed out that those present were the only remaining Board members.  Liz urged each of us to try to bring a neighbor to our next meeting.

Beth Pflug told us that we should not be concerned about the number of people on the Board.  She said the Licton Springs Community Council had accomplished a lot and should be proud.  This happens to all neighborhoods, the number of people involved goes up and down.  The important thing according to Beth is to keep the organization going.

Halloween: Liz asked Ellen Beck about the letters regarding donations for Halloween in the Park that were sent to SAM’s Club, Costco, the Northgate QFC, the Roosevelt Way Safeway Store, the Fred Meyers at 100 Northwest 85th, and the Northgate Way Target Store.  Ellen reported that Fred Meyer and Target had responded back requesting more information and documentation of 501(c)(3) status.  Because of the time required to process requests, we are too late this year to request any funding from Fred Meyer or Target.  We will do so for next year’s event.  Ellen said that she had not heard back from or re-contacted SAM’s, Costco or the Northgate QFC.

503(c)(3) Status: There was discussion regarding whether LSCC should obtain its own 503(c)(3) status, use the Federation’s, or approach The Pilling’s Pond Preservation Committee about using their status.  Debra said that she would raise this issue with the rest of the Pilling’s Pond Preservation Committee.

Focus Group on Multi Family: Debra reported that she had tried to attend this event but, because all allocated spaces were taken, she had been unable to attend.  The event was a part of Seattle’s Department of Planning and Development’s effort to re-evaluate Seattle’s multifamily land use code.


Crime/Disaster Preparedness: There was a general discussion concerning crime and disaster preparedness.

Debra suggested that beautifying Aurora could help the crime that happens along that highway.  This has been done in the Shoreline area, and Aurora is dramatically different once you get into Shoreline.

Beth told us about a Greenwood/Aurora Involved Neighbors Forum which is concerned about crime and safety issues and planning a community meeting.  She said we could contact Neil Hanson (684‑4690) or Diane Horswell (684-7711).  Diane has had disaster preparedness training.  Beth said that she would e-mail Liz more information about this group and the planned event.

Beth had handouts for us on “SDART – Getting Ready . . . . Preparing personally as neighborhoods for disasters” and “Neighborhood Safety Concerns – Who to Call for Help Within the City of Seattle.”

Ken Thompson noted that the City of Seattle has half the number of officers we need for a city our size, and we are losing officers to retirement, who are not being replaced.

There was a lot of discussion about disaster preparedness and the fact that we would not get the type of warning that people in hurricane-prone areas get.  It was suggested that we could perhaps involve the College is organizing a disaster preparedness forum.

Debra volunteered to call SDART and make the initial requirements inquiry.

Liz noted that President LaFayette will be asking the Council to assess how the College can be a better member of the community.

Ken said that he would ask the North Precinct if we have any contact there for disaster related circumstances.

Roger Turner's Thumbnail History of Licton Springs: Liz asked if we had noticed and read the Thumbnail History of Licton Springs that Roger Turner had on the back of his September issue of Licton Springs UPDATE.  She said it was courtesy of

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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