Minutes of Community Meeting, April 17, 2013

NSCC Campus OCE&E Building, Room 220B

Directors Present: Jan Brucker, Melanie Davies, Tom Meyer, Debra Willendorf, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (Liaison to North Precinct.

Visitors: Jean Wirch, Lee Bruch, Eric Johnston, Sabreek Woodward, and Treena Sterk.

Secretary Ellen Beck called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. and we had introduction around the table.

Minutes. The March 20, 2013 minutes were approved as presented.

President Jan Brucker arrived and we proceeded with the Treasurer’s Report.

Treasurer Debra Willendorf passed out Treasurer’s Report: January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 and January 1, 2013 through April 17, 2013. She noted that donations are down. We did receive a donation from the Pillings Pond Preservation Society of $722.46. We spent $167.98 on Halloween, but received donations of $183.12. We also had general donations of $365.00 and book sale proceeds of $38.00. Our ending balance for 2012 was $6,352.58. In the first three and a half months of 2013, we received donations of $150.00 and expenditures of $275.00 to the Licton Springs P-Patch and our ending balance as of April 17, 2013 was 6,227.58. Debra asked anyone who has expenses to turn in should do so they can be reimbursed.

Melanie Davies reminded everyone that we had discussed and passed a motion to make a $1,000.00 to the P-Patch.

The Treasurer’s Reports were approved as presented.

Jan said that our projects will make us more visible this year as we are helping the P Patch. We can also have two more book exchanges this year to also give us visibility and funds.

Debra said she would like LSCC to have a Yearly Plan, i.e., how many events and how much will each event cost. It was also agreed that we should keep $3,000.00 in reserve.1


Pollination Path. Sabreek Woodward and Treena Sterk presented the idea of a Pollination Path from Wilson Pacific to/into Licton Springs Park. This is something that can be a project for the kids. The Pollination Path would encourage butterflies and bumble bees. They would plant all native plants: Tiger Lily, Lupine, Penstemon, Red Columbine, Camas and Oregon Grape, among others.

They wanted to get the support of the community. They were informed that Liz Kearns would have to give the go-ahead concerning the Park. It was also pointed out that the Parks Department would have to agree to the Path, as well.

The ladies said that they wanted to involve the Indian Heritage students as well since the pond was a Native American gathering place. Debra said it would be good to begin the path at Pillings Pond.

Blanchet Stadium. Eric Johnston reported that he had formed a new online called They now have block captains for the neighborhoods around the school. They have also had a sound study, paid for by donations.

Lee Bruch said that the volunteers had 60 years of experience between them, including backgrounds of zoning and codes, environmental and SEPA, architect, urban planning expertise.

They have been waiting a month and a half for the staff level decision of the City. They have argued that SEPA is required. Blanchet, a private school, has had six separate projects (all linked) since 2000. They have turned two houses into offices. Blanchet is located in a residential community and are trying to claim precedents that the City has given to public schools in the Seattle School District.

The Blanchet Neighbors are prepared to defend Blanchet’s appeal if the decision is in their favor or appeal the decision if they lose.

They are an ad hoc group, so a trust account has been set up by their lawyer, David Mann of the Gendler & Mann, LLP firm.2 At present they have sufficient funds.

Discussion followed. Blanchet made their application in November 2011, with the intent to complete construction last fall. They will probably try to get construction finished this year.

The noise of the stadium exceeds 10 decibels, a doubling of perceived noise. This level of noise is allowed in public events, i.e., parades.

The stadium is projected to be in use five nights a week until 10:00 p.m., with varsity football games lasting until 10:30 p.m. Two nights a week the use would be until 6:00 p.m. This would be from the fall until early spring. It would encompass soccer games for boys and girls, lacrosse for girls and boys, junior varsity football and freshmen football. There would also be football and soccer practices on the field.

Blanchet and two other Catholic youth organizations, plus others, would use the stadium.

The present lighting is 30’ high. They are proposing lighting that is seven stories high. These lights would take over the night sky.


Licton Springs P-Patch. The Spring Fling, which took place Saturday, March 23, 2013, was discussed. It was agreed that this event was a success.

North Precinct. Ken Thompson reported that their recent meeting had been about 911. What is probably not known by most people is that a translator can be requested in English for a caller’s native language. Ken wondered how we can make this feature better known.

The following were suggested: an article in Currents; a poster in Licton Springs Park; contacting Seattle City Light to have the information added to their newsletter or an extra insert; and contacting the City Council and Mayor McGinn.

Northwest District Council. Tom Meyer reported that the Park and Street Funds selections were e-mailed to us earlier. He also noted that the N.W. and N.E. Councils overlap so that a section of Maple Leaf has double-representation because it is in each Council.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 15, 2013.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

EMB Personal\LSCC\2009 Minutes\November 18.doc

1 Treasurer Debra Willendorf suggested that we take a vote on keeping $3,000.00 in reserve.

2 Donations should be made by check, made out to Gendler & Mann, LLP with “Concerned Blanchet Neighbors” on the memo line and mailed to the group’s treasurer, Dean Enell, 4755 Lakeside Drive, Langley, WA 98260.