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October 2002

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August 2002



Minutes of Board Meeting:
August 21, 2002
NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Yvonne Pilling Zoretic, Bert Bradley, JJ Avinger-Jacques, and Ellen Beck

Board Representatives Present:Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative).

Visitors: Jean Wirch.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting began at 7:05 p.m., welcoming everyone. We dispensed with introductions since everyone knew one another.

Minutes: Minutes from the June 19, 2002 meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Debra Willendorf announced that there would be no August report, but that the accounts were unchanged since the June report.


Street Adopted. Liz reported that the Council had received a letter from Julie Pond, a graduate intern with the City of Seattle Adopt-A-Street Program. The Nucci and Regan Household, located at 2110 North 86th Street has adopted North 85th Street from Densmore to I-5, Meridian Avenue North from North 90th to North 78th Street, and North 78th Street from Meridian to Greenlake Drive. Ms. Pond wrote that, since the Household had adopted a mile of City street, they are entitled to two Adopt-A-Street signs placed in their adopted area. One will be westbound on North 85th Street, second pole west of Meridian, on the north side of the street. The second sign will be eastbound on North 85th, second pole east of Wallingford, on the south side of the street. If we have any comments or questions concerning the street adoption, Ms. Pond can be contacted at 206-733-9146 or at julie.pond@ci.seattle.wa.us.

It was agreed that the secretary should send the Nucci and Regan Household a "thank you" postcard.

College Way Median Clean-up. Liz said that Michael Brokaw had contacted her with the suggestion that the community organize a second clean-up of the College Way median. This would be in addition to the clean-up day organized by the College. Discussion followed. The consensus was that at this time this was not a project that the Council could take on.

Seattle City CouncilLiz shared a letter LSCC received from Peter Steinbrueck, President of the Seattle City Council, enclosing the Seattle City Council 2002-2003 Work Program, as well as a list of the accomplishments during 2001-2002 of Councilmembers and, finally, a flyer for a Budget Town Hall (that was held in the north end in June).

Sandel Park ConcertsBert Bradley let us know that Sunday, August 25, 2002 is the last free concert at Sandel Park (1st Avenue Northwest and Northwest 90th in Greenwood). He said that the concerts present a variety of artists over the summer and they are fun to attend.

Review of BylawsWe began our review Licton Springs' existing Bylaws. A great deal of discussion ensued and we did not get very far in our review.


Newsletter. Liz announced that there would be a September Newsletter. The deadline for submitting articles and materials is September 15, 2002. Newsletter materials should be e-mailed to Julia Christensen at julia@pigmentandink.com

Liz pointed out that the Newsletter deadline made it impossible to advertise the September meeting and the SR-99 presentation to be made at our meeting. Jerry Owens said that he would contact the SR-99 group and see if they can handle advertising the event themselves. Jerry thought perhaps the SR-99 group could mail out postcards.

Liz said that the SR-99 group would be at the Licton Springs Annual Picnic on September 14, 2002. They will be handing out informational flyers.

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Bert Bradley and Jerry Owens had comments regarding the SR-99 plan. They also mentioned that the Aurora merchants were "quite up in arms" about any changes to Aurora. Discussion followed.

Licton Springs Picnic. Liz said that she had mailed picnic flyers to the band, Bubbleman, and Steve Brown, our School Board representative. Liz inquired regarding everyone's availability to help set up and take down the setup for the picnic. She asked that those able to help arrive at the Park at 10:30 a.m.

Mural Dedication. JJ Avinger-Jacques described the mural dedication. She said that about 100 people had participated and that the dedication had gone smoothly. JJ said that Pastor Tom Valtierra had given the blessing. Yvonne Sanchez had been present on behalf of the Department of Neighborhoods. Michael Killoren had been present on behalf of the Seattle Arts Commission. Roger Fernandez had represented the Duwamish Tribe. Andrew Morrison's father and mother had also spoken.

Liz commented that JJ had done a fabulous job. JJ had arranged the dedication so that it was very typical and comfortable for Native Americans.

JJ also announced that she had begun discussions with the artist she hoped would agree to do the next mural. That artist is Mary Larson, a nurse at the Pioneer Square Clinic. Mary Larson paints her clients with beautiful sensitivity. She has never done a large mural, but JJ is hoping she will be willing to research and learn about murals.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ellen M. Beck

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