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August 2003

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
August 20, 2003
NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present:  Liz Kearns, Debra Willendorf, JJ Avinger-Jacques, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present:  Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative) and Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College Representative).

Visitors:  Jean Wirch, Phil Mann, and Roger Hagarty.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., welcoming everyone. We went around the table and introduced ourselves.

Minutes:  We did not have a quorum, so minutes from the June 18, 2003 meeting could not be approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Debra Willendorf provided a Treasurer's Report through August 18, 2003. She said that the report did not reflect a check for $71.80 written in connection with the Newsletter and that we had used 1,600 copies in producing the same. Our available bank balance is therefore $2,038.20 and the prepaid copies total is 10,400.


Your Neighborhood in Action: Liz gave everyone a copy of a memorandum from the Department of Neighborhoods regarding the Aurora-Licton Neighborhood Plan and projects completed or underway in our neighborhood. Liz asked that we all review the memorandum and notify Deirdre Grace of any errors or additions. Deirdre Grace's telephone number is 684-8896 and her e-mail Deirdre.grace@seattle.gov.

History House: Liz reported that History House, which is located in the Fremont neighborhood, had announced that their focus this fall/winter will be on the neighborhoods in North Seattle. Licton Springs has been asked to provide a display by October 15th, if we wish to participate. The display would be exhibited from November to January and then our displayed items would be returned to us. The person to contact at History House is Ron Richardson. His telephone number is 935-8981 and his e-mail address is rasr@attbi.com. Discussion followed.

Traffic Concerns - Stone Avenue: Phil Mann, who has lived in the neighborhood for a year, spoke about high speed and volume of traffic on Stone. He said that he lives at 88th and Stone and that the street is signed for "Local Access Only," but that it has become a cut-through street for everything from cars to big trucks. He is concerned about children and pets and wondered if there wasn't some way to slow the traffic down (which would also help reduce it probably). Mr. Mann was told that the first step would be to contact all his neighbors and find out if they had the same concerns as those he raised. Discussion followed regarding the procedures to go through with the City. Debra offered to get information from a friend presently working on a similar project in Lake City. Debra also said that if a small and simple grant was needed, that the Board had a lot of experience with those and could help him.

Liz said that a gentleman from 100th and Wallingford had given her a copy of a letter he had written to Mayor Nickels regarding traffic on 100th, the lack of sidewalks there, and the fact that the road was too narrow for the traffic load it carried.

Walking Sidewalk Debate: Liz announced Fleet First's Walking Sidewalk Debate II. She had sent information to Board members by e-mail. It will be held August 28th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., and consist of walking from the southwest corner of 33rd Avenue Northeast and Northeast 130th to the Farmer's Market.

City Budget: Liz asked if everyone had reviewed the budget information she sent us via e-mail. Everyone had and a discussion followed regarding the need to be fiscally responsible. Both the City and the County project having less money available to neighborhoods next year. Liz said that next year we would need to cut down our costs on the picnic. We paid the most money for the band ($400.00) and the Bubbleman ($150.00). More discussion regarding the need for both live music and alternatives to the entertainment provided by the Bubbleman. Liz wondered about the artists who have entertained at the summer concerts at Sandel Park. She said that Bert Bradley would be providing information about these folks. Liz also questioned whether we would be hosting Halloween in the Park.

Licton Springs Park - Comfort Station: Liz announced that Virginia Hassinger is the new project manager for the Licton Springs comfort station. The work is scheduled to begin this fall.

Licton Springs - Bridges: The large, long bridge in the north end of the Park is being replaced with Pro Parks funding. The small bridge which is close to the water (sometimes under water) is being replaced with discretionary funds of the Parks Department.

North Seattle Community College: Wally Fosmore said that the Day of Caring would be September 26th this year for the College. He did not know which company's employees would be volunteering at the College. Liz asked whether there would be work on the median again this year. Wally said that he was not sure. Michael Brokaw is organizing trail improvement work projects. The volunteers would possibly be helping with that.

Wally announced that the modular building would be delivered on Monday. He said it was possible that temporary basketball hoops could be installed on the tennis courts. The third floor remodel was under construction, as were the changes to the child care area.

Wally told us that the modular building was being purchased, not leased, because of the retrofitting needed for mechanical and ventilation to the modular building so that it can serve as a science building and the high rehabilitation costs if it was leased. The College will buy the modular building, retrofit it, and when they no longer need it, sell it to another community college as a science unit.

Also, the clean-out vault for drainage purposes to be installed near the Meridian roadbed on the College will be completed by the end of September.

Citywide Review Team Board: JJ Avinger-Jacques reported on her service on the CRT Board.


Picnic: Liz said that she hoped everyone would be coming to our annual picnic, which is set for September 13, 2003, and that they would bring other neighbors with them, and be able to help out.

Liz reported that Edie Whitsett had indicated that the new flags will be ready for the picnic.

Licton Springs Park - Grants: Liz reported that we had not been awarded the Starbucks grant. Also, the King County grant will end the end of November. Work in the Park will continue thereafter on a volunteer basis.

Candidates Forum: Liz reported that the candidate forum announced in our Newsletter for September 10th in Greenwood has been put on hold/cancelled. If we knew of anyone planning to attend that forum, we were asked to pass the word along to them. It had not been possible to make the correction before the Newsletters were mailed off.

Volunteers/Representatives: Liz announced that we are still looking for volunteers to attend the Seattle Community Council Federation meetings and the City Neighborhood Council meetings. Anyone volunteering does not need to be a Board member.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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