Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (Liaison to North Precinct). Visitors: Jean Wirch, Margaret Bartley, Thomas Whittemore (Department of Neighborhoods, Neighborhood District Coordinator, North Region Team), and Carlos Sanabria. Vice President Jerry Owens called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Minutes We had introductions around the table. Visitors were warmly welcomed. NEW BUSINESS Updates from the Department of Neighborhoods There was a discussion about Northgate Light Rail Station and what is supposed to happen. Thomas announced the Broadview Plan Update meeting will be on July 21st. He also told us about the Scoff Law, which goes into effect on July 5th. This affects cars with four or more delinquent parking tickets. These cars will get the boot a wheel-locking device. City Council man Mike O’Brien has taken an interest in alerting folks who have four or more delinquent tickets. He is passing out information informing people about a person and phone number that they can call to arrange for help before they get the boot. That person is Sahar Fahi, phone number 206.727.3972. Seattle is owed over $25 million in unpaid parking tickets. The Scoff Law is a way for the City to recoup this loss. OLD BUSINESS: Northwest District NSCC P-Patch North Precinct Ken mentioned that Sally Park is behind the Community Policing teams and she encouraged the community to talk to SPD management and ask what they can do to work together. Don’t forget the North Precinct picnic is on July 9th. Jerry mentioned that a truck was stolen from a home on 88th and Burke. Be aware. The truck was locked! Thomas talked about Broadview’s major Side Sewer Project. This is the project where they are injecting a chemical into the broken pipes to fill the holes. It seems to work. The chemical used is supposed to be non-toxic. Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 20, 2011. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kay Mesirow for
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