Minutes of Community Meeting, September 19, 2012

NSCC Campus OCE&E Building, Room 220-B

Directors Present: Jan Brucker, Liz Kearns, Kay Mesirow, Tom Meyer, Melanie Davies, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (Liaison to North Precinct).

Visitors: Jean Wirch.

President Jan Brucker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in our new meeting location in the OCE&E Building (located on the south end of the NSCC campus), and new room, Conference Room 220-B, which is located at the head of the stairs.

We dispensed with introductions, as we did not have any unfamiliar guests with us.

Minutes. The June 20, 2012 minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report. The August 31, 2012 Verity Credit Union Statement of Account was emailed to directors on September 5, 2012. LSCC has a total of $5,411.98. There were no comments.


Website. There was discussion about the LSCC website, which sorely needs updating. We need someone willing to post our notices, minutes, etc., or set up the website so that we can update it. Students at NSCC originally designed our web page. We could go back to the College and see if there are any students interested in working on our website (for a class?). It was also noted that Eric Johnston volunteered to maintain our website, but he has not returned to any meetings since making that offer. Kay Mesirow has placed a notice in the Currents E-Newsletter asking for Web Master volunteers, but so far there have been no volunteers.

LSCC Facebook. Tom Meyer reported that the LSCC Facebook has been receiving an increasing number of “likes.”

Licton Springs P-Patch at NSCC. Liz Kearns reported on the P-Patch. She talked to Amy LaZerte, who is heading up the fundraising. Amy needs people to help with the September 26th Bake Sale and Bazaar fundraiser, by either relieving her, or bringing something, or buying something. The fundraiser goes from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Baxter Center.

Another fundraiser element is the selling of the Chinook Book and application for your smart phone.

The Sustainability Office, which is funded by the students, needs a part-time volunteer to administer the P-Patch grant. Christian Rusby is coming into the office, with his sister.

The P-Patch Trust “do” the financial end, but do not administer the grant.

Jan indicated she was presently working part-time and has interest in helping the Sustainability Office. She will investigate if she can help them. Liz indicated she should contact Marci Myer.

Liz passed around a revised concept plan for the P-Patch that she had gotten from Amy earlier today. The plan had to be revised because of input from the DON.

Licton Springs Park. Liz reported that the North Precinct has put pressure on the homeless people at Green Lake and that those folks now have come up to Licton Springs Park. They use the fire pits for cooking, which is fine, but they are drinking/

drunk and this is not okay.

Districts for Seattle Initiative. Jan told being at a recent Seattle Neighborhood Coalition meeting where Faye Garneau announced that she is involved with a group that is working to put an initiative on the ballot for turning City of Seattle into districts for election to the City Council. Discussion followed.

List Serve Policy. We had a discussion about what should be the policy of LSCC regarding how requests are sent to Kathleen Braden to be sent to the List Serve, and her request for a policy. Discussion followed. It was decided that Board members can send requests to Kathleen. If any of us have doubts, we will send the request to Jan and she will be the gatekeeper as to whether the item should or should not be sent to List Serve members. All forwards sent to the List Serve shall include the disclaimer suggested by Tom. Tom will re-send the wording to LSCC directors.

Halloween in the Park. Liz told us that Betsy Weill will coordinate the “Friends of the Forest” as she has in the past. Hurrah! Discussion followed. Donation request letters are sent out in the beginning of the year. This year, we had early responses from Costco and Target. Costco sent us a $100.00 gift card. The Northgate Target, donating to us for the first time, sent us a $20.00 gift card. Betsy normally gets copies of the donation request letters from me and goes around to the businesses1 we have solicited. Then she tells me how much was donated by each so that I can write thank you letters.

Liz said that she will go to PCC and get the organic apple juice PCC traditionally donate to us.

Jan offered to ask for a donation from the Roosevelt Whole Foods that she visits frequently.

Liz made a motion, seconded by Ellen Beck, that LSCC give a check for $50.00 to the musicians who play polka music during the event. This motion passed unanimously.

On a related topic, Jan suggested an event where people volunteered to help parents/

people make costumes. She would be happy to do this. She also said that she has lots of costumes that she has made for Lauren that we could borrow and wear to Halloween in the Park!


Wilson Pacific School. There was discussion about our neighborhood school. Wilson Pacific sits on 11 acres, the largest site in the City. There are plans to rebuild/renovate the site into two schools, i.e., an elementary school and a middle school.

LSCC Council Projects. Projects mentioned at our June meeting were discussed. We discussed having events around the P-Patch, i.e., Harvest Festival, Spring Awakening. We could plan these for spring and fall, 2013. We could also stage a Wilson Pacific demolition party! If there is a hootenanny fundraiser, we could have an event in conjunction with that.

Community Book Exchange. It was decided, following discussion, to hold a community book exchange on Saturday, September 29th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at Licton Springs Park. Liz offered a canopy and table for the event. Jan said she also had a couple of tables. We could also have signup sheets for LSCC membership.

Tilth Speakers. We could have an event around a Tilth speaker and, perhaps, a chicken coop tour (in the City).

Licton Springs Park Kiosk. Discussion ensued about the need to improve or move the kiosk at the Park. It would be good if the kiosk faced the Park, not the street. It was suggested that the kiosk be made 2-sided.

Spring Garden Party. We could plan a spring garden party with music. It would be great to get local musicians who would volunteer to do a set. Who knows how large the response might be. The musicians would have to be unplugged and acoustic.

Blanchet Lights and Loudspeakers. Tom gave information about the Blanchet lights and loudspeakers. Neighbors living on North 86th have complained for years about the loudspeakers. Without the planned “improvements” the noise presently is so loud that they can’t hear themselves talking. It was suggested that the neighbors fighting the Blanchet proposal to improve their lights and loudspeakers could be invited to our October meeting.

Meridian and 85th Street End. Tom reported that improvements have been made to the Meridian street end at 85th to make it very difficult for drivers to illegally turn up Meridian. There is now a “toe curve” addition that makes it very difficult for cars to make that illegal turn.

Bus Stop Survey. Melanie Davies volunteered to do a survey of bus stops and good places to put a “Welcome to Licton Springs” sign.


North Precinct. Ken Thompson reported on the most recent North Precinct meeting where Bruce Harrell was a guest speaker. Ken said that he generally came to several meetings a year and is always a good guest as he is pro law enforcement. He told them that crime levels are down, but historically crime levels cycle. The City has finally acknowledged that gangs are trying to re-establish themselves in Seattle.

There has been no further discussion of a new site for the North Precinct.

North District Council. Tom had nothing to report because of not being able to attend the last meeting and has not received meeting minutes as yet. The next meeting is September 26th at the Greenwood Senior Center. Nick Licata will be speaking.

Jan thanked everyone for getting our next event on the calendar so soon! She said there was no need to wait for meetings, if you have a good idea. Ideas can be e-mailed to Jan as soon as they are thought of.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 17, 2012.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary


1 Puget Consumer Co-Op PCC, Roosevelt Safeway, Northgate QFC, Greenwood Fred Meyer, Costco, SAM’s Club, and the Northgate Target.