Minutes of Board Meeting: Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Wanda Fullner, Yvonne Pilling Zoretic, Bert Bradley, and JJ Avinger-Jacques. Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative). Visitors: Beth Pflug (Department of Neighborhoods), Randy Robinson (Parks Department), Jaci Oseguera (Seattle LGBT Community Center), Jean Wirch, and Don Svetich. President Liz Kearns called the meeting began at 7:00 p.m., welcoming everyone. We then went around the table and everyone introduced themselves. Minutes: Minutes from the March 20, 2002, April 17, 2002, and May 15, 2002 meetings were approved as presented. Liz thanked Ellen for all her work putting together the numerous minutes. Ellen is excused from tonight's meeting due to family matters. At this point, Liz passed the duty of leading the meeting over to Vice President Jerry Owens so that she could act as Secretary and take meeting minutes. Treasurer's Report: The current Treasurer's Report was presented by Debra Willendorf, our Treasurer, and approved. Discussion followed concerning the cost of the Newsletter and possible alternative printing sites. JJ requested 75 more copies of the current Newsletter to distribute to folks as they visit the Licton Springs Mural Project. Beth Pflug graciously offered to make copies of the Newsletter at the Northwest District office. Thank you, Beth! Liz will contact John Appel at Mail Boxes, Etc. for information on the number of remaining copies and our cost per copy and forward this information to the Board members. NEW BUSINESS: Nonprofit Boards. Jaci Oseguera, Executive Director of the Seattle LGBT Community Center, gave a great presentation on nonprofit boards, their functions and focus, and the responsibilities of board members to the community and the board. Her handouts included a new member agreement and suggestions that we read and familiarize ourselves with our mission statement and Bylaws. There was much discussion and full agreement that our August meeting should be focused on ways to improve the work of the LSCC Board using the material. OLD BUSINESS: Licton Springs Park. Randy Robinson, Senior Landscape Architect with the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation, presented his drawing of the final bridge design and explained that the design and construction is being done "in-house." They will reuse materials when possible to keep the cost down. The building materials will be some steel, using pin pile construction with colored concrete decking on top of a steel pan with side bumpers called Bull Rails. The highest point will be 30 inches off the ground. There will be crushed rock pathways at the edges of the bridge with a center turn-around. The construction cost will be $45,000.00. He said that the bridge should last 50 years. They expect to start work in late July and complete the work at the end of August. Liz updated those present on a King County Natural Resource Stewardship Network grant application for $30,000.00 to construct two "natural habitat" ponds at Licton Springs Park. A letter of support from LSCC is needed to complete the application. The Board voted to approve that letter. Thank you. Mural Grant. JJ distributed flyers announcing the Licton Springs Community Mural Project. The Seattle School District has provided a banner. The high-lift has been delivered and work will begin immediately. The mural will show Chief Seattle. T-shirts will be on sale, as a fundraiser, soon. Also, Evening Magazine has contacted JJ. Wilson-Pacific Playfields. The LSCC acknowledged the groundwork had begun at Wilson-Pacific School. Lucy Morello, project manager, has advised us that the design includes all the alternates that the community and School District hoped for, such as the jogging path, bathroom, landscape planting, and a new fence. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Bert Bradley provided handouts covering the Aurora Transit Express/BRT. The City of Seattle has requested Federal funds to improve the Aurora Avenue North (SR-99) corridor between 110th and 145th. Bert explained that improvements would cut bus trip time by two minutes, thus encouraging use of buses for transportation. The funds would also be used for a study to improve existing bus services, including improvements to the bus stations and sidewalks, and lighting, real time information on the next bus (at the station), and linkage to the traffic lights to extend the light if the bus is just coming (up to 20 second delay). Also, there would be some line changes on Aurora Avenue North. This study is supported by Metro ($400,000.00) and the City of Seattle ($50,000.00), but is basically an application for Federal funding in the amount of about $4,000,000.00 from a fund that is for this type of project. The response of the Aurora Avenue Merchants Association was discussed. We felt we did not have enough information at this time to vote support of this plan. We will invite representatives of the SR-99 Study to our September meeting. Bert also reported on a neighborhood drive-through he attended with the new director of SeaTran, Grace Crunican. He discussed with her the need for sidewalks on 100th Street and a pedestrian-operated crosswalk at 95th and Aurora North. Mineral Springs Park. Liz shared the lovely color brochure for Mineral Springs Park and reported that there isn't much to report right now. Lynn Sullivan has been named project manager and as ProParks funds become available, we will be notified of public meetings/work parties. Pilling's Pond. Wanda Fullner reported that the Seattle Audubon Society has agreed to partner with the PPP and are ready to sign an agreement as fiscal sponsors. The group now needs support signatures and pledges. Debra suggested that all North End papers be sent informative articles. A second grant application for Phase II to DON is now in the works for $10,000.00 to complete the conservation easement. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,  
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