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April 2003

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
May 21, 2003

NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Yvonne Zoretic, Wanda Fullner, Bert Bradley, Ted Pickett, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present:  Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College Representative).

Visitors:  Chris Gregorich (Community Development Specialist, Office of Policy and Management), Vince Lyons (Architect, Manager Design Review Program, DCLU), Michael Kimelberg (Urban Designer, DCLU), Jackie Kirn (Office of Policy and Management), and Jeanine Ferguson.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m., welcoming everyone. We then went around the table, introducing ourselves several times when new people arrived.

Minutes:  Minutes from the April 16, 2003 meeting were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Debra Willendorf reported no significant activity during the time since our last meeting and, therefore, she would have no report until next month.

It was noted that we will need to have a Newsletter out in mid-August (before the September 13th picnic).

Discussion followed concerning the picnic. Liz announced that the Parks Department would co-sponsor our event and we would not be required to pay a fee because of that. The Bubbleman is a "yes." The band used last year has been contacted but not lined up as yet.


Elections: Liz asked the current officers if they were willing to continue. All were (though we urged anyone else to voice their interest in serving as an officer). Wanda Fullner moved and Bert Bradley seconded that the slate of officers be elected by acclamation. This passed unanimously.

Officers for 2003 are: Liz Kearns, President; Jerry Owens, Vice President; Ellen Beck, Secretary; and Debra Willendorf, Treasurer.

Global Education Services: Liz noted that, although included on our agenda, Kat Schutt had informed Liz that she had decided against speaking at community council meetings. Discussion followed regarding hosting foreign students, which Wanda Fullner and Wally Fosmore have done.

Design Review: Vince Lyons, who is an architect and Manager of the Design Review Program, Department of Design, Construction and Land Use, gave a history of design review in the City of Seattle. There are seven Design Review Boards. Five Board members serve on each and have open meetings to discuss proposed projects.

Mike Kimelberg, Urban Designer, Department of Design, Construction and Land Use, told us there are 26 citywide design guidelines (he will provide them to us at a later date). He said that we need to look at our plan and designate areas that can be considered "entry" points, "heart" points, or "theme" areas. Pedestrian safety is a key element. He said he was aware that east-west connections were important to us.

Discussion followed. It is important to come to the Design Review Boards with comments that are relevant to the stage of the project being reviewed. Comments can also be e-mailed to the Review Boards if it is not possible to attend the relevant meeting. It was acknowledged that once the black and white sign goes up, it's too late to have an impact on the project. We were urged to get on the mailing list for the "Land Use Information Bulletin," which gives citizens a heads-up and four weeks to prepare for the first Design Review meeting for the project. If citizens attend meetings, he advised that to be effective they must be prepared and organized, be on point, and speak the language of architects and/or builders!

Bert Bradley agreed to write an article for the next Newsletter regarding Design Review and the hope is that we have someone in the community who is knowledgeable and willing to get involved.


Northgate: Chris Gregorich, Community Development Specialist, Office of Policy and Management, next spoke about the upcoming meeting next Tuesday, May 27th, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Olympic View School. Jerry is going to represent Licton Springs at that meeting. City Council President Peter Steinbrueck and Councilman Richard Conlin will be at the meeting to discuss Northgate.

Discussion followed and concerns were expressed. Chris Gregorich said that the community was being heard. Traffic was a main concern and he had in fact timed the crosswalks at Northgate Way and had confirmed that they are too short for elderly pedestrians to feel safe crossing the street. He assured us that improvements would be made and that they were trying to schedule the Mayor for walks in the neighborhoods.

Jackie Kirn, Office of Policy and Management, announced a June 10th formal public hearing that will take place at Nathan Hale High School. This is sponsored by the City Council. She said that the Mayor is in favor of repealing the GDP for the Northgate overlay area. That area would still be required to follow code, SEPA, Design Review, etc. She said that the City is invested in coordinating the traffic study for the whole area, not for specific projects. They want to have a transportation management plan.

Extensive discussion followed.

North Seattle Community College: Wally passed out copies of the Employer/TMP Annual Report and Program Description concerning the College for our review. Liz said that she would see that all Board members received a copy.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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