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October 2004

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August 2004



Minutes of Board Meeting:
November 17, 2004
NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf,

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative).

Visitors:  Jean Wirch, Krisanne Heinze, Staci Baldwin, and Robin McCain.

Vice President Jerry Owens called the meeting to order.

Minutes: It was agreed that since we did not have a quorum tonight, Liz would ask Ellen and Wanda to approve October’s minutes via e-mail, so they could be posted to our Website this year.

Treasurer’s Report:  No change from last month.


Advertising in Currents Newsletter. It was decided that we needed a minimum of four ads at $20.00 each per newsletter to break even, but eight ads would be ideal. Staci will re-contact a few businesses and report back in January.


Newsletter. There was discussion about the next Currents issue. The due date for articles will be January 5, 2005. Liz will solicit articles from Board members, etc., and ask that they be e-mailed to Debra before the due date. Ideas were shared for interesting articles. Jerry offered to write a review of the Northgate Stakeholders’ meetings. Staci Baldwin offered to write about our Licton Springs Fire Station. Liz will contact Dorothy Dubia at North Seattle Community College for another insert from the college.

There was discussion about “Thank You’s” to our community supporters for their help with the picnic and Halloween events. We will put together a special “Thank You” for Larry’s Market. Please bring pictures, etc. to our January meeting.

Northgate Stakeholders’ Group. Jerry has been attending these meetings as the LSCC representative. The meetings have been concentrated on transportation, pedestrian safety, and new development plans, plus the new Community Center, Library, and Fifth Avenue improvements. There is so much information that Jerry suggested we check out their Website:


Liz Kearns, President for
Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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