Minutes of Board Meeting Directors
Present: Board
Representatives Present: Visitors: Our meeting fell on the evening of the last presidential debate. Everyone arrived having watched the debate and/or were taping it to watch later in the evening. We started out with a lot of discussion on politics and the debate! Board Member Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. She explained that Debra Willendorf was sick; Kay Mesirow was working in Little Rock; Kathleen Braden was hosting a group of students at her home for the debate; and Bruce Kieser had another meeting he had to attend. Minutes: There was no Treasurer’s Report. OLD BUSINESS: January
Newsletter Liz said she needed articles for the January Newsletter, which should be sent to Debra, not Kay. She asked Ken Thompson to write a general article on the North Precinct monthly meetings that he attends. Halloween
2008 Liz reported going to Costco and speaking with Doug Tisdel, Warehouse Manager, and Kim Hildebrant. Liz had a copy of the donation request letter sent to Costco, which they had not seen since it was directed to Tom Edwards. Despite not having received our letter, they gave us four bags of candy! Each bag contained 250 pieces of candy. Thank you, Costco!! Liz said that Betsy Wiell has asked if LSCC can pay for Halloween treats, if the donations received are not enough for the number of children expected. Discussion was had and it was determined that any deficit can be made up by the LSCC treasury. Land
Use It was mentioned that the Marshall School is now empty. Discussion was had about possibilities for the property. North
Precinct NEW BUSINESS: Meetings
in 2009 Northwest
District Council The Neighborhood Plans Review is still in flux according to what Jerry hears. The mayor is still trying to get the Review to be department driven! Once the Review is underway, the focus initially will be on the south end – Rainier Avenue area and South Park since these communities are dealing with light rail. Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 19, 2008. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted,
Ellen M. Beck, Secretary
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