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September 2011

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North Precinct Reports


Minutes of Community Meeting October 19, 2011,
NSCC Conference Room B2311

Directors Present:
Jerry Owens, Kay Mesirow, Tom Meyer, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (Liaison to North Precinct).

Jean Wirch.

Vice President Jerry Owens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

The September 21, 2011 minutes were approved as presented.


Board of Directors
A discussion of directors with terms ending in 2011 was held. Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, and Kay Mesirow all agreed to serve until 2013. Thank you all!

Those directors holding offices were affirmed:

Liz Kearns, President
Jerry Owens, Vice President
Ellen Beck, Secretary
Debra Willendorf, Treasurer

Halloween in the Park
Halloween in the Park was discussed. It was determined that we should publicize our event in the E-Currents, which has been done, but also send out reminders via the List Serve and post it on our Facebook page.

Ellen Beck reported that we had already received a generous donation from the Greenwood Fred Meyer Store, but that a copy of the IRS document confirming our 501(c)(3) status was requested. Ellen confirmed that it was e-mailed to Fred Meyer this morning.

Ellen also noted that the “Effective Date of Exemption” received by LSCC was September 12, 1990.

Land Use
Tom Meyer reported the three new single-family construction projects were on the website:

9750 Densmore;
9218 Densmore; and
9221 Wallingford.

Tom said that sometimes projects were listed under teardowns when there was also new construction connected. This is the case for a new four-unit townhouse at 8555 Midvale.

That’s pretty much it for our neighborhood, but it is good that these are all new construction.

There was a discussion of the need for obtaining permits for home projects. Tom said that the reason for permitting is to ensure that everything is built to code.

We had a discussion about election customs. Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. This date goes way back in the history of our country. Jerry said that Election Day had to be on a Tuesday because the Monday after Halloween is All Saints Day, which falls on November 1st. (Also, in an agrarian society, Tuesday gave farmers time to get to the county seat to vote and didn’t interfere with the Sabbath or with market day, which was on Wednesday in many towns.)


Assessor Lloyd Hara
Assessor Lloyd Hara will be coming to our November 16th meeting. There was discussion about publicizing this meeting. It was decided that the it should be publicized via the List Serve, and also on our Facebook page.

Northwest District Council
Jerry reported that unfortunately he was unable to attend the most recent Northwest District Council meeting. He said he didn’t think he had missed too much, as the Council was still working on their Bylaws.

Jerry did note that meetings were going smoothly with newly elected Chair Rick Klingele, who is the Greenwood Community Council Vice President.

North Precinct
Ken Thompson reported that Bruce Harrell was the guest speaker at the October meeting of the North Precinct Advisory Council.

Urban Walking Tour
Tom said that he would be contacting/seeing David Williams in the near future. He said he would talk to him about leading a walking tour in our City. All were excited at this possibility.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 16, 2011.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck, Secretary

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