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February 2002

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
February 20, 2002
NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Yvonne Pilling Zoretic, JJ Avinger-Jacques, Wanda Fullner, Bert Bradley, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative), and Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College).

Visitors: Dr. Ronald LaFayette (President of NSCC), Jean Wirch, Alice Hauschka, Melanie Mills, and Jean Wu.

The meeting began at 7:03 p.m. with President Liz Kearns introducing Dr. Ronald LaFayette, President of North Seattle Community College. Dr. LaFayette expressed appreciation for the work of the Community Council. He said that he welcomes cooperation between the College and the community. He said that he noticed and appreciated that members of the Council were at the recent Indian Heritage meeting. Dr. LaFayette said that the College plans doing outreach to schools and groups in the community. He said that they wanted Weed Siege to be an annual event. He said that the College would like to have the event include the Police Department, the community, Thornton Creek, and the College. He suggested that the day could conclude with a barbecue for participants. This event could be in the spring and give an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. Dr. LaFayette said that the College would organize and advertise the event.

Liz said that outreach should first go the neighbors living along Meridian. Liz also said that the Community Council really has appreciated over the years being able to use the President's Board Room as a meeting location.

Dr. LaFayette said that the College wants to be an integral part of the community.

Wanda Fullner mentioned that the College adds so much to the community. She said that the plays presented are wonderful and we could perhaps begin announcing them in our Newsletter.

Dr. LaFayette said that NSCC would coordinate the Weed Siege event with the Council and that the NSCC Foundation would provide the funding for the barbecue, which will be an event to bring together the whole neighborhood. The Foundation is a 501(3)(c) organization that primarily funds scholarships, but will also fund events that benefit the community.

President Liz Kearns next welcomed everyone and we went around the table and all present introduced themselves.

Minutes: The January 16, 2002 minutes were approved as amended by a change in the wording of the Pilling's Pond Committee report made by Wanda Fullner.

Treasurer's Report: Debra Willendorf submitted a written Treasurer's Report showing LSCC has a balance of $1,472.932 as of February 19, 2002. This balance takes into account funds in our account but previously committed. Debra noted that we also have a credit at Mailboxes, Etc. in the form of prepaid copies.

The Treasurer's Report was accepted as presented.

A discussion of the 2002 budget next took place with questions and clarifications on the cost of items. Liz said that the band, typically paid $400.00, is the largest item on our picnic budget, and the Bubbleman is paid $150.00. Larry's provides the sodas, hotdogs, and buns, and cooking of same, while LSCC provides ice, paper products, and condiments. Liz said that she would provide an inventory of what items LSCC provides for the picnic and has on hand at this time. This will help us know what we need to purchase.

Reports: Wanda gave a Pilling's Pond update. She told us that Phase I is now complete. The Council needs to decide how much control it would like to have over Pilling's Pond in the future.

JJ said that all businesses should be receiving our Newsletter. She suggested that maybe we could advertise the businesses by writing stories about those that have contributed to the community over the years.

It was clarified that we could have advertising in our Newsletter and still mail as a "nonprofit."


UWREN (University of Washington Restoration Ecology Network): We had three members from the University, Alice Hauschka, Melanie Mills, and Jean Wu, at our meeting. They spoke about their project at Licton Springs Park. They will be doing design work and will plan a few work parties. The area they are focusing on is the capped mineral spring, an area of from 1,100 to 1,200 square feet. They are applying for grants and are also planning a new interpretive sign. The members need the help of the community and would also like to involve students of the Indian Heritage program at the work parties. They are going to analyze the content of the spring water and also look at the type of plants that would be supported by the minerals contained in the spring water.

It was suggested that the members contact Ellie Caldwell at NSCC's Biology Department. She knows about minerals in the water and the cleansing and other benefits of same.

The members clarified that they want their design plan for the area to include a border with more definition to the area. This would be accomplished by the use of rocks and plants which could thrive in the iron-rich (and whatever other minerals the water contains) soil.

Liz spoke of two new neighbors, Emma and Amy, who are Native Indians. (These ladies know Chief Sealth's great granddaughter). Emma and Amy and also several teenagers held a thanksgiving ceremony at the spring recently. We are hoping to contact Chief Sealth's great granddaughter to hopefully get stories from her about Indian use of Licton Mineral Springs spiritually.

Everyone working at the Park will follow the Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation Vegetation Management Plan. The members also plan to get suggestions from the architects on amphibian ponds.

The members will also give guidelines for maintenance and monitoring of the Plan.

Liz reported that the Council has applied through the ProParks funding for a $100,000.00 grant for Licton Springs Park. If we do not receive this funding, there is no money available for us to do work in the Park.

Weed Siege Function: Liz urged the Council to support the Weed Siege day and work with NSCC on this event. We have met at the College for ten years!

Wally Fosmore said that they have to coordinate with SPU's Tom Gannon on the date and also with SeaTrans (they will pick up and trim edges). Michael Brochaw is willing to come out for the event. Wally said that Shane Dewitt of SeaTrans has said that any weekend in April/May would work for SeaTrans. Wally said that he would be talking with the vendors that the college deals with for their Culinary Arts program for the refreshments. SPU is running the Spring Clean event. Wally said that if we coordinate our event with Spring Clean, then the event could be included on their flyers and we would get free publicity.

JJ Avinger-Jacques volunteered to be the Council's liaison with the College for this event.

Adopt a Street: Bert Bradley gave information on the Adopt a Street program. In the year 2000, 6,000 volunteer hours were spent on this program. If we request, Adopt a Street will notify the Council of any applications received from people living in our community.

Traffic Meeting: The Greenwood Community Council is doing to discuss traffic at their March meeting.


Wilson-Pacific: Wally Fosmore told us that the College is in preliminary talks with the Seattle School District regarding leasing space at Wilson-Pacific in the Fall of 2003. President LaFayette is going to be meeting with the Facilities Director soon. The College hopes to get funding for renovation of their Arts & Sciences Building. During that renovation they would need arts and science labs and approximately 20 classrooms for a period of one year.

501(3)(c) Situation: Bert said that being a 501(3)(c) corporation will not present a problem with the mailing of our Newsletter.

Rest Station: Bert recommended that there be a police contact for the rest station project.

Greenwood Park: Bert announced that the Greenwood Park would not buy or condemn the four houses next to the park unless the owners agree to that. The funding, if the houses were bought/condemned, would have to be obtained from the acquisition fund of the ProParks funds.

Nominations for Officers: Liz asked the members of the Board whose terms were ending in 2002 if they were willing to continue in their offices. All (Bert Bradley, Ellen Beck, Wanda Fullner, and Liz Kearns) were. Voting will take place at the April meeting.

SR99: Jerry Owens reported that the SR99 Project is now named the SR99 Safety Study. They will hold their first open house on March 20, 2002 at the Phinney Community Center.

Real Estate Sale: It was announced the SPU lot in the 9200 block of Wallingford has been sold for $135,000.00 to Creative Construction, Inc.

North Precinct Meeting: The North Precinct expansion meeting is set for April 8, 2002 in the Rose Room at the College. It was suggested that perhaps this room wasn't large enough and perhaps the meeting should be held in the Student Event Center. This was going to be investigated.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ellen M. Beck

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