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February 2002

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Minutes of Board Meeting:
January 16, 2002
NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, J.J. Avinger-Jacques, Wanda Fullner, Bert Bradley, and Ellen Beck.

Board Representatives Present: Pam Larsen (Seattle City Light Representative), Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative), and Jan Brucker (Arts Council).

Visitors: Laura Nichols and Jean Wirch.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., welcoming everyone. We then went around the table and all present introduced themselves.

Minutes: The minutes from October 17, 2001 and November 14, 2001 meetings were discussed. Debra Willendorf, who was not at the November 14th meeting, requested information on how the decision had been reached to research becoming a 501(c)(3). It was explained that the subject had come up both in conjunction with Newsletter mailing costs and with fundraising efforts. The October 17, 2001 and November 14, 2001 minutes were thereafter both approved as presented.

Jean Wirch noted that a friend of hers, Sandy Deja, has helped nonprofit organizations become 501(c)(3) organizations. Jean said she would give Liz information on how to contact Sandy.

Treasurer's Report: Debra Willendorf submitted a written Treasurer's Report showing LSCC has a balance of $4,896.42 as of December 31, 2001. Debra noted that of this amount $3,904.74 was already committed, bringing our "real" balance to $991.68. She said that she has been receiving quite a few membership renewals.

Debra pointed out that the Board needs to approve a budget for 2002. A discussion followed. It was decided that we would vote on the 2002 budget at our next meeting.

The Treasurer's Report was accepted as presented.


Membership Flyer. Liz requested comments on getting out the membership flyer. One option was to have Roger Turner's people deliver it with their next flyer. Because Roger Turner does not deliver to renters, it was decided that the membership flyer should be mailed, so as to reach a wider audience.

Neighborhood Meeting. The Department of Neighborhoods - Northwest Sector has talked with Liz about a meeting in March focusing on transportation. The exact date has not been set. Jerry Owens and Bert Bradley mentioned that the SR 99 study was in its budget phase at present and that the next phase would be citizen comment and input. It was noted that business owners will fight any loss of parking along Aurora. The goal of the study is to reduce accidents.

Bert mentioned that Ed Stone has told him that ETC is getting pressure to include Northgate as soon as possible, or give a timeline when Northgate would be reached. Ed Stone has said that what is needed is a combining of neighborhoods to bring a coalesced voice to the ETC. Bert volunteered to contact Mike McGinnis in Greenwood and other representatives in the other nearby neighborhoods.

North Seattle Police Precinct. Liz began a discussion of the North Seattle Police Precinct, which has needed a bigger building and more parking spaces for a number of years.

Laura Nichols, who has lived across the street from the Precinct at 1821 North 100th for eight years, said that the original building permit was for conditional use. The Precinct is constructed on a single family zoned lot. The original building permit was conditional as to the height and bulk of the building. The City was to also maintain the trees on the lot. The City, back on November 4, 2001, drained the North Police Precinct Wetlands, a legally zoned Environmental Critical Area, down three manholes and moved in with bulldozers. Laura said that she immediately confronted the folks doing this work and got it stopped. Laura is founding a group entitled "North Precinct Neighborhood Action Group" to oppose any actions which destroy the wetlands. She asked for our support by attending the initial meeting of the group and the bigger meeting to be initiated by the City.

Discussion continued. Liz Kearns asked Jan to repeat her solution for the expansion of the North Precinct. Jan said that she advocated leveraging investments. Northwest Hospital for some time has contemplated selling their outpatient facility on Meridian. If the City made an offer, perhaps Northwest would sell to them. That is a 13 acre parcel. In the future it would be very useful for the City to have that site, not only because the space for the Precinct and parking, but also there is enough land for a future off-ramp from I-5 when/if light rail and/or the monorail reach Northgate.

Ken Thompson reported that he asked the Precinct Chief about the wetlands at a recent meeting he attended. Ken said he was told that the police were not involved; it was nothing to do with them.

Liz reported that she has also been contacted by Sue Partridge about a community meeting concerning the North Police Precinct site and the "retaining" pond issues. LSCC would host this meeting and secure the room for same. Ms. Partridge has said that she is in the process of selecting a consultant for the expansion study and hopes to have them on board by mid-February. The meeting would take place in the first two weeks of April and be on a Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday.

Jan mentioned that the groups to be invited should not be all northend neighborhoods, but rather CFLN and Thornton Creek.

(Jan then took the next moment to ask if folks knew it was Ellen's birthday??!! No, they did not, but all felt the occasion called for a song! Thank you, everyone.)

Jan next suggested that we find out how the meeting is structured and that we invite City Council members and also Cynthia Sullivan. The City would be responsible for mailing out flyers and invitations to this meeting.

Jan also pointed out that the triangle above the Precinct was designated as open space and if the North Precinct is allowed to expand their present space, we would lose that open space.

Focus for 2002. Liz asked members what their priorities were for this year. It was decided that we could e-mail our priorities to each other and then discuss our 2002 focus at the next meeting.

Newsletter Advertising. Liz said that John Labovitz and Julia Christensen have asked if they can run an ad in our Newsletter. Liz asked for our opinions. Jan noted that other communities accept advertising. She said that Maple Leaf does and she believes this is why they have been able to build up their treasury. It was decided that we would take a look at newsletters with advertising and gather information from newsletter editors. Liz noted that Phil Fujii has given us funds for our next Newsletter. At our February meeting the agenda will include exploring ads in newsletters. It was also suggested that running ads for businesses would be a way of showing our commitment to them. We should find out from Maple Leaf how much businesses pay for ads.


Comfort Station. J.J. Avinger-Jacques announced that an architect downtown has shown interest in partnering with Chris Herman to work on a "green" comfort station. Parks Department personnel would be invited to join this meeting. J.J. said she would e-mail out the particulars when a date and time had been decided and urged anyone interested to attend. It was suggested that she also contact the North Precinct about a police representative attending the meeting.

EIF Money. Liz announced that all EIF monies have been expended. Edie Whitsett will have a report for the Council shortly.

Wilson Pacific. Liz reported that Lucy Morello had informed her that the District is now waiting on the Master Use Permit. When they receive this, they will then put the project out to bid. Construction should be begin in May.

Liz reported that Steve Brown had informed her that the School Board officially directed the Superintendent to lead discussions on secondary school program and capacity issues, these discussions to be in the near future. Steve Brown e-mailed that "W-P is definitely part of this equation."

Liz said that she wanted to send each School Board Member a letter emphasizing the importance of Wilson Pacific to this community. Ellen read the draft letter. Board members endorsed sending the letter.

Pilling's Pond. Wanda Fullner said that the Committee is working on a conservation easement. The School District has agreed to run a drainage pipe past the pond. The Committee sent a letter to DCLU to point out potential problems coming from city pipes. These potential problems concern Pilling's Pond. Wanda also passed out a Summary of Accomplishments, December 31, 2001, and Pilling's Pond Update, January, 2002 to those present.

Northgate Library. Jan announced that there will be a meeting on January 22nd at 4:00 p.m. on the siting of the Northgate Library Branch. She urged everyone to attend the meeting if possible. Jan urged everyone also to get comments to the Library Board of Trustees in favor of the Northgate South Parking Lot.

Northgate South Lot. Jan also told us that Simon Properties has sold four of the 13 acres of the south parking lot to Metro. There are now only nine acres there to develop.

Jan mentioned that the trend nationally for shopping malls is towards how University Village was redeveloped, with mixed uses.

Greenwood Park/Condemnations. Bert Bradley asked if we had opinions/feelings about condemnations. The Greenwood Park is contemplating buying/condemning at least two homes (of the four homes that border the Park on the north) to gain more area for the Park. It was unanimous that those present needed more information, before expressing an opinion.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Ellen M. Beck

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