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Minutes of Board Meeting:
October 17, 2001
NSCC President's Board Room

Directors Present: Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Debra Willendorf, Wanda Fullner, Yvonne Zoretic and Bert Bradley.

Board Representatives Present: Ken Thompson (North Precinct Representative), Pam Larsen (Seattle City Light Representative), and Wally Fosmore (North Seattle Community College Representative).

Visitors: Lucy Morello (Project Manager, Seattle School District), Kathy Johnson (Lead Facilities Planner, Seattle School District), Edie Whitsett (North Park Project Chairperson), Tom Prigmore (North Seattle Community College/Phi Theta Kappa), and John Mark.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., welcoming everyone. We then went around the table and all present introduced themselves.

Minutes: The September 19, 2001 meeting minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer's Report: Debra Willendorf submitted a written Treasurer's report showing LSCC having a balance of $291.93 as of October 16, 2001. Debra expressed concern over the low balance. Liz reminded everyone that our November meeting will focus on budget, membership, the Newsletter, mailing list, and bulk mail status. Discussion ensued about funding the mailing of a membership drive/Newsletter. Wanda suggested that if we could do it as part of a Pilling's Pond mailing, we may be able to use those funds. One option was to do the next Newsletter/membership drive mailing in January.


Update on the Wilson-Pacific Site. Kathy Johnson and Lucy Morello showed us the final drawing for the Wilson Athletic Field Upgrade. The drawing showed field use for football, soccer, baseball, and softball, plus the proposed landscape trees and their locations. Ms. Morello explained that the Seattle School District is now entering the permit process and as long as there are no delays due to appeals, the next process, which is bids, will begin in January/February 2002. Next there will be a "base bid" with alternates, i.e., jogging path around the perimeter of the field, landscaping, restroom, and new fencing (these alternates are listed in order of priority). The alternates will only happen if there is money available after the field development.

Liz stated that the Licton Springs Community Council is willing to work with the School District to obtain grants to help fund the "alternates." Lucy Morello directed the Council on how to proceed with investigating working with the School District.

Wally Fosmore stated that it might be of benefit for the LSCC to get a full set of plans now, even if they are only 60 percent complete, so that the community has a comment period before the architects/engineers have completed the drawings. Wanda Fullner expressed an interest in getting a set of drawings now, especially the drainage plans, so that the Pilling's Pond engineer can have an opportunity to review them. Liz Kearns emphasized that the LSCC supports the redevelopment at the Wilson-Pacific site. Lucy Morello agreed to get a full set of draft plans to the LSCC for use by the Council and its committees.

We discussed the Licton Springs Community Council applying for a Grey-to-Green Grant to help with the restroom and a small grassy area. Neil Thibert (Seattle Public Utilities) has said he would be interested in partnering with LSCC on any project that removes "hardscape." Ms. Morello suggested we contact Gretchen Miller with a project proposal as Ms. Miller handles all Grey-to-Green Grants. We should wait until the bids are completed, just in case there is enough money to do most or all of the alternatives.

After the bidding process is completed, the contract must be approved by the Seattle School Board. Then a Notice to Proceed ("NTP") is issued to the contractor and work begins. The Seattle School District will handle maintenance of this field. Questions about appeals should be directed to Scott Kemp of DCLU.

Kathy Johnson was asked about the future use of the buildings at Wilson-Pacific School. Ms. Johnson said that the School Board is holding a workshop in December/January to discuss school size and the outcome of that workshop will help decide the reuse of Wilson. The current Seattle School District ideal middle school size is 600 to 800 students. Enrollment now is 700 to 1200, so another middle school is needed. When asked what we could do to have Wilson seriously considered as a middle school site, they suggested we write a letter to Steve Brown, our School Board representative, with the community's wishes clearly stated.

Wally Fosmore asked what needed to happen to the buildings before a student body could be housed at Wilson. Kathy Johnson said some plumbing work was needed, restroom renovation, and interior paint. She also said it was very important to have an attractive school program that will ensure student enrollment. Currently the School District offices are scheduled to move downtown in the fall of 2002.

Concern was expressed for the site being left vacant for an extended period of time. What should the community do? Maintaining contact with the School Board members was encouraged.


Mural Small and Simple. Because J.J. was ill and unable to attend our meeting, an update was given by Wanda Fullner. Wanda gave a little history on Andrew Morrison and why he painted the current murals. J.J. is going to ask for Small and Simple monies to help paint the gym wall that faces Wallingford Avenue.

Resident, John Mark, who lives across from the current murals, stated that he believes people are distracted by the murals at the intersection of North 92nd and Ashworth. He feels it will just be a matter of time before there is an accident. Mr. Mark said that he is not opposed to murals facing Wallingford because they are a greater distance from the street.

A suggestion was made that the Wilson magnet school program be an arts school. It was suggested that a letter be sent to the School District with that suggestion.

Halloween in the Park. Halloween in the Park will be from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Planning is going well and J.J. is contacting companies about donations for the event. Expenses should not be $125.00 (budgeted amount).

Pilling's Pond. There was a review of the Pilling's Pond objectives that were e-mailed to Board members. Wanda Fullner moved and Debra Willendorf seconded supporting the objectives. There was unanimous approval.

Northgate. Liz talked about the Northgate Community Center Planning Committee. The Parks Department has requested a representative from Licton Springs community serve on the committee, whose purpose is to be an advisory group for the new Northgate Community Center. The group would meet once a month for a year. Edie Whitsett expressed interest.

College Way Meridian Clean-Up. Tom Prigmore, president of the North Seattle Community College Honor Society, announced the Society is organizing a College Way Meridian clean-up with the help of Sea Tran and the LSCC for November 17, 2001, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A flyer will be printed and distributed to homes around the college.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Yvonne Zoretic, Liz Kearns, and Bert Bradley
for Ellen M. Beck

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