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Minutes of Board Meeting: 
February 21, 2001,
NSCC President’s Board Room

Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, John Meerscheidt, Bob Messina, Debra Willendorf, Yvonne Zoretic, and Ellen Beck.

Absent:  Wanda Fullner and Jan Brucker.

Visitors:  Jean Wirch, Ken Thompson, Brenda McDonnell, Leah Weathersby (Jet City Maven), Morgan Dutton (Seattle Trees - TREEmendous), Dorene Cornell, Belinda Gigliotti (Seattle Parks Department, Northwest Sector Manager), Sarah Hastings, Lindsey Amtmann, Bert Bradley, Jenny Benz (Seattle Parks Department Urban Forester), and Edie Whitsett (Chairperson, Mineral Springs/North Seattle Park Committee).

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and everyone introduced themselves.

MinutesThe January 17, 2001 meeting minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report:  Debra Willendorf submitted a written Treasurer’s report reflecting LSCC’s balance being $910.31 as of February 20, 2001.  Debra noted that we have billed and expect to be reimbursed soon for a $204.51 EIF expenditure.  A budget will be represented at our March 2001 meeting.

Bob Messina brought up the annual Picnic and said that an early decision on details should be made.  Liz Kearns and Jerry Owens are seeking another member to the committee and Liz said that she would be putting a notice in the next Newsletter to see if anyone new might be interested in helping on this community event.


Morgan Dutton from TREEmendous Seattle spoke first.  She said that TREEmendous is a nonprofit organization.  Their goals is to have more trees planted in the City.  They would have people at the upcoming work party at the Park on February 24th.  Morgan told everyone that TREEmendous are the ones who provide trees for parking strips.  They supply the trees, training and tools needed on planting day and the residents do the planting.  It is a goal to get block captains involved in organizing tree plantings on their streets.  But before any planting City Light must be contacted to get parameters allowed and the location of all City services, i.e., water, electric, and gas.  Block captains would get additional “tree” training.

Jenny Benz announced that the Licton Springs Park Plan will be available in early March.  She said that besides the February 24th work party at the Park, there will be additional work parties on March 31st and April 21st.  She passed out information from King County concerning Puget Sound Urban Resources Partnership, which supports “local efforts to improve the urban natural environment by pooling available resources, leveraging funding and building sustainable partnerships.”  She said that applications have to be submitted for this funding source and she was more than willing to help us write the application.

Belinda Gigliotti, our new Seattle Parks Department Northwest Sector Manager, spoke next.  She is just working on getting up to speed on Licton Springs and wasn’t prepared to answer questions with specific answers at this time.  She said that she had not as yet had her full briefing time with Margaret Anthony.  Belinda was updated on Licton Springs Park by Liz and others.  Jenny Benz suggested she talk to Sandy Bell and Karen Galt.  Belinda was asked about the comfort station.  Liz said that she was hoping the comfort station would be remodeled as the current comfort stations being installed by the Parks Department are constructed of concrete and tin.  Belinda was told that Christopher Williams was the one to contact about the comfort station, as we have been told that funding exists for it.  Belinda said that she had a lot of work to do to get up to speed on our projects and needs, but she would do so.

Lindsey Amtmann, who lives at 88th and Midvale, spoke about the desire to find folks interested in developing a P-Patch in the neighborhood.  It was suggested that she write an article for the Newsletter and she agreed to that.  Possible sites for P-Patches were mentioned.  Bob Messina mentioned that there is a P-Patch Committee.  Lindsey said that she has contacted that group.  Liz said that she would connect Lindsey with David Hemmelgarn because he will be able to identify all the publicly owned parcels in the neighborhood.  Jenny Benz also offered to obtain an ownership map.  Lindsey said that P-Patches have to be in locations that get six full hours of sunlight and are at least 6,000 square feet.  All gardening must be organic.  She said that it was best to be on a relatively quiet street and also if the patch was big enough to accommodate a tool shed and compost bin.

No Business Representative ReportJan Brucker, who was originally scheduled to give a Business Report was absent due to her daughter’s participation in a play.  Jan hoped to e-mail her report to members.


Friends of Pillings Pond:  Bob Messina gave a recap of the history of the committee and the community interest in preserving the Pillings Pond and said its members were Yvonne Zoretic, Debra Willendorf, Wanda Fullner, and himself.  The Council will be receiving a $10,000.00 grant from a fund maintained by Councilwoman Cynthia Sullivan.  Bob said that the Land Conservancy is willing to do a free appraisal of the property.  There is large support for preserving the site and several meetings have already been held and tours conducted to give people in different departments of the City a first-hand look at the property.  Bob said that an article will be written for the March Newsletter (written by Debra).  Help is needed for (1) a Stewardship Committee (Chuck Pillings is 89 years old and needs some help); (2) Historical Committee; and (3) Meeting/Publicity Committee.

We next watched a short video interview of Chuck Pillings.  It appeared on television in the late 80’s and was brought by Yvonne.

Wilson-Pacific Master Plan:  Liz said that a Master Plan should be/will be done for the Wilson site, including Pillings Pond and the playfields.  Phil Fuji is working with us on this and all players are invited to participate.  Cynthia Sullivan is on our side, but the School Board needs to get on our side.  Liz planned that a School District representative would be invited to an upcoming meeting in early April.  A meeting will take place tomorrow to draft a letter to be sent to all “players” regarding the LSCC’s wish list and to determine possible public meeting dates.

North Precinct:  John Meerscheidt gave a police activity report.  He said that the police had recently conducted an undercover sting on Aurora Avenue to address the prostitution activity going on.  The police are attempting to get the cooperation of the motel owners to police themselves.  He also mentioned that a “john school” was being set up since it has been successful in other areas and arrested customers of prostitutes can choose “school” in lieu of jail.  Also, Captain Cindy Caldwell is being transferred.  We do not know at this time who the new Police Captain will be, but they will arrive in April.  Auto prowls are up in the North Precinct.  Sonia Richter is the Northeast Section Contact for block watch.  John said that she would be invited to a future meeting.  John also reminded us that the Police Department will do home surveys to help citizens know what to do to make their homes safer.

Past Board MemberEllen gave greetings from Randy Elder, past Board member who still wants to know what is going on with us.  Randy said he would send out an e-mail when Jeanette has given birth to their first child.

North Park:  Edie Whitsett gave a report on the Mineral Springs/North Park project.  This park is to get funding from the Parks for All levy that was passed.  The park is due to receive $700,000 at some time within the next eight years.  Since this funding is off in the future, Edie said that the committee was considering applying for matching funds to be able to have the plant survey done.  She said that an event was planned for June 30th that was open to the community.  There would be art projects and everyone would be encouraged to participate.

The netting, that has been designed for safety reasons and is to be installed at the southern end of the park, was discussed.  Edie said that the netting has been funded through the Emergency Response Fund (since the barrier was needed because of safety concerns).  The design plan for the netting still has to go through core review at the Parks Department, and, at this point only one third of the netting will be installed, to see how it works and what more would be needed.

Belinda Gigliotti explained that the Parks for All levy money was first being spent on acquisition and then on projects that were ready to go ahead.  She said that groups are encouraged to get started on their projects.  Edie explained that we are in a tough spot because the next thing we need is construction drawings ($50,000.00) and it is nearly impossible for us to raise enough cash to match the cash needed.  We also need an arborist study of the park.  Jenny Benz volunteered to talk with Mark Mead.  If we could get a vegetation study, we could begin further work at the park.

Northgate:  Bob Messina said that he has heard that Intercorp Company is now ready to “jump in.”  Also, Richard Conlin is now in favor of daylighting.  It was noted that Simon still has the Master Plan to develop the north portion of the mall.

Bert Bradley reported on the recent Greenwood Community meeting that he had attended.  Folks there are discussing Kroger plans for the Fred Meyer site redevelopment near 85th and Greenwood.  He said that our meetings were much calmer!

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck

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