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Minutes of Board Meeting:  September 20, 2000, NSCC President’s Board Room

Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Randy Elder, Bob Messina, Wanda Fullner, Debra Willendorf, Jan Brucker, and Ellen Beck.

Absent:  John Meerscheidt and Sheryl Stich.

Visitors:  Stuart Ling, Martin and Laila Grassley, Harve LaVelle, Kathleen Warren (Pro Parks), and Don Svetich (Aurora Avenue property owner).

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., and those present introduced themselves.

MinutesThe June 21, 2000 meeting minutes were approved as presented.

Liz announced that Randy Elder was resigning as Treasurer.  It was moved by Randy Elder, seconded by Jerry Owens, and unanimously passed by the Board that Debra Willendorf be elected Treasurer, effective immediately.  Debra agreed to take the office.  Thank you, Debra!

Treasurer’s Report:  Liz Kearns gave the Treasurer’s Report.  Licton Springs Community Council has a balance of $446.14.

Community Picnic:  A review was given by Liz of the annual picnic, and then group discussion followed.  It was felt that the food was removed too early.  People arriving just after 1:00 p.m. received no food.  This has not been the case at our previous picnics and the consensus was that this early removal of the food was unsatisfactory and must have been due to a misunderstanding.  The children’s games were a great success, as was the Bubble Man.  The band was enjoyed, but Liz felt the $400.00 cost was too high.  Liz said she welcomed other music suggestions that anyone had.

The cost of the picnic was $623.53.  Wanda Fullner said that she would check this cost against our budget and report back to us.

Pro Parks/Parks for All:  Kathleen Warren told us about the history of this project.  She showed us a map of the City with all the locations of the park projects noted, and also had several handouts for us.  She told us that the $200 Million raised would be allocated as follows:  Opportunity Fund - $10 Million; Purchase of New Sites Fund - $26 Million; Development Fund - $102 Million; and Maintenance and Programming Fund - $61 Million.

A question and answer session followed Kathleen’s presentation.  If this levy passes, our North Park project will get much needed funding.  Liz noted that Edie Whitsett supported Pro Parks and was organizing a phone bank and would welcome volunteers.  Kathleen Warren asked if our group would formally endorse Parks for All.  Wanda Fullner moved and Jerry Owens seconded that we endorse Parks for All.  Discussion followed.  Randy Elder said he opposed the proposition because it was too broad sweeping and there were other departments (i.e., police department) that needed increased funding.  A vote was taken and the motion passed (six approving; two against; three abstaining).

North Precinct:  Randy Elder gave a report on the North Precinct.  He said that anyone was welcome to attend the first Wednesday of each month 7:00 p.m. meetings held at the North Precinct.  Chief of Police Gil Kerlikowske will speak at the October meeting.

School District MeetingLiz Kearns announced that Seattle School Superintendant Joseph Olchefskie and/or John Richmond would be at a meeting Thursday, September 28th, to be held at NOAA, 1801 Fairview.  Liz urged anyone interested to attend this meeting.  LSCC wants to keep on the forefront our concerns about the Wilson-Pacific School site.

North Park:  Liz reported that Edie Whitsett had submitted a Matching Fund Application on September 18th.  The application was for $20,000.00, to be matched with $25,405.00, for a grand total of $45,405.00.  This money would be used for Phase I:  completing the site survey, developing a forest/vegetation management plan and creating an arts plan.

Liz said there would be a fundraising workshop Monday, October 23rd, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.  Everyone is welcome.  Contact Edie or Liz for more information.

Historical Project:  Liz reported on the Historical Project since the head of our Historical Committee, John Labovitz, is vacationing in Europe.  The Committee has chosen Mimi Sheridan and Carol Tobin to help us with our historical pamphlet/book.  We are fortunate to have two such talented ladies working for us.  Liz said that she and Debra Willendorf would be meeting the following morning to work on the contract to be executed by LSCC and our consultants.

Neighborhood Break-in:  Stuart Ling, a neighbor who has lived at 1626 – 100th in Licton Springs for the past three years, told about a robbery that had occurred on Septem­ber 5th while he was on vacation.  He said it was the one day that his sisters were not there and so he thought his residence was being watched.  Small items were taken from his home, plus his car was stolen.  He was most concerned about checks that had been stolen and cashed at various local banks on the same day.  He was going to attempt to view the surveillance tapes of the banks and inquired about running a notice/picture in our newsletter.  Jan Brucker advised that this was not a proper step for LSCC to take since it opened us up for causes of action (i.e., slander) since everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Zoning Presentation:  Don Svetich, a property owner on the west side of Aurora (946 – 103rd), made a presentation to the group.  He recounted with the help of charts and pictures the background for his request to the City for rezoning and his experiences.  Those present were supportive for his proposed zoning change.  It was suggested that Phil Fuji would be a good person for Mr. Svetich to talk to, since he is with the Department of Neighborhoods for our part of the City (and what Mr. Svetich is seeking to do conforms with our recommendations in our Neighborhood Plan), and if Phil cannot help him, perhaps he can refer him to someone who could be of assistance.

NorthgateJan Brucker announced that the south lot of Northgate has been put up for sale by Simon Properties!  Jan said that the City was considering purchasing the property.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck

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