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NSCC North Star Dining Room

Present:  Liz Kearns, Jerry Owens, Randy Elder, Bob Messina, Wanda Fullner, Bethany Ryals, Edie Whitsett, Wally Fosmore, Pam Larsen, and Ellen Beck.

Absent:  Jan Brucker, John Meerscheidt, Debra Willendorf, and Sheryl Stich.

Visitors:  Nancy Sharp, Ken Thompson, Ann Patterson, Jean Wirch, Harold Schmidt, Lindsey Packwood, Guillemette Regan, Gil Schieber, Elizabeth Nucci, David Hemmelgarn (Seattle Executive Services Department, Real Estate Services, Strategic Planner), Jan Avinger-Jacques, Evelyn Lemon, Jana Christensen, John Laboritz, and Jodell Gillig.

President Liz Kearns called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m., and those present introduced themselves.

MinutesThe May 17, 2000 meeting minutes were amended to correct the spelling of Brewster Denny’s name, and then approved as corrected.

Treasurer’s Report:  Randy Elder stated that because the change-over had not been completed as yet, there would be no Treasurer’s Report.  Wanda Fullner did provide copies of the 2000/2001 Budget approved at last month’s meeting.

Densmore Drainage Study.Liz next turned the meeting over to Pam Miller, who is a Senior Project Manager, Project Management, Seattle Public Utilities, and is in charge of the Densmore Drainage Study.  Pam told us that R.W. Beck had been hired by SPU to perform the study, which is currently being done.  She said that R.W. Beck would come up with a set of recommendations and that presentations would be made to the community and community input would be considered.  The final recommenda­tions will then be developed into a plan that will be presented to the City Council.  The timing is (i) for the presentations to the community to happen in September, 2000, and (ii) for the full recommendation to be completed in November, 2000.

Pam Miller had various maps and charts and described for the meeting attendees the job of Seattle Public Utilities.  She said that drainage studies were being done in order to develop solutions for the City as a whole.  The studies take time because of the monitoring that is necessary.  She said that the goal was for the City to be able to experience a 25-year storm without damage.  The City can also experience 100-year storms, but the goal is not to gauge preparedness on such storms, but rather what is categorized as a 25-year storm.

Pam Miller was asked about when work could be expected to take place in Licton Springs Park.  She said that her best guess was that that work was four to five years down the line.  She said that people could call her with questions (684-5179) or could e‑mail her at pamela.miller@ci.seattle.wa.us.

Based on Ms. Miller’s estimated timing for Licton Springs Park, Wanda Fullner made a motion that the Licton Springs Community Council lobby the Parks Department to immediately go forward with reconstruction of the bridges in Licton Springs Park.  This motion was seconded and unanimously passed.

Community Plan Implementation:  David Hemmelgarn (684-0701), who is with the City of Seattle Executive Department, Real Estate Services, reported to us that his department was surveying properties owned by the City and not currently in use and would be reporting back to the City in the near future.  He said that the recommenda­tions would be made in July.  He said he could inform us that the Kelm House had been sold at auction by Murphy’s.  Harold Schmidt confirmed that it had been sold for $8,250.00 and he also questioned if proper notice had been given for the auction.  Harold said that it had not been very well publicized.  Edie Whitsett said that removal of the Kelm House could take up to eight months because of required permits, etc. needing to be first obtained by the buyer.

David told us about City Light’s plans to expand employee parking spaces.  He said that City Light has approximately 385 employees and currently 192 parking spaces in Areas A, B, and D, plus some senior management parking spaces not in the designated areas.  He said that in 2002, 90 additional parking spaces will be added in Area C, presently a storage yard.  He passed out copies of City Light’s site plan showing these areas.

David passed out copies of a photo showing property ownership in the proposed redevelopment area (Aurora Avenue Neighborhood Commercial District – area between Aurora and Stone Avenue and North 100th and North 97th Streets).  He mentioned that our Plan discussed development of mixed use in the area shown.  He stressed that the “committee” should give the City good advance notice of requested zoning changes and/or other changes for this area, and he said that he can be of assistance to us in this regard.

David said that the City Light substation was going to be surplused and sold.  A short discussion was had.  He mentioned that neighbors on the street had been in favor of selling the lot to Habitat for Humanity, but that the property would be put to bid.

Randy Elder passed out copies of Licton Springs Magazine.  He suggested that perhaps we could sell these magazines to raise money for the Council.

EIFLiz next gave a summary of Licton Springs EIF proposals and the areas in which early implementation funds had already been expended:  (1) outreach (producing the community’s newsletter for one year, updating our mailing list); (2) kiosks (one has been ordered for Licton Springs Park); (3) historical project; and (4) North Park.

Liz spoke about the historical project component.  Our neighborhood has a rich history going back to Native American times and the early history of Seattle.  She announced that the Historical Committee will be meeting Monday, June 26, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the President’s Board Room at NSCC.  Everyone was welcome to participate.  Liz noted that a consultant would be hired to assist in the creation of a pamphlet or small book.

Edie Whitsett next spoke about the North Park Project.  She described the “park” between 105th and 107th with Northgate Way bordering on the north, and the property line with the Park Meridian Condominiums on the south.  She said the park had been used by Disc Golf players for ten years and that members who played there had done the bulk of the maintenance work.  Edie said that a Park Committee had been formed and the landscape architectural firm of Anderson & Ray had been chosen to assist the Committee in planning for the improvements for North Park.  She said that one Park workshop had already been held on Saturday, June 3rd.  She urged anyone interested to come to the next workshop, Wednesday, June 28, 2000, 7:00 p.m. in the NSCC Rose Room.  She said that the architects would have three concept plans for the group to consider and offer suggestions and responses.  Edie had one of the preliminary concept plans to illustrate what could be expected.  She also passed out North Seattle “Disc Golf” Park Surveys and a flyer on Park News.

Those in attendance broke into discussion groups and the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen M. Beck



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